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Showing posts from August, 2023

Protect Yourself from Fake Fast-Food Websites: A Cautionary Tale

A few weeks ago, my niece came to visit me. She was accustomed to ordering foods online and had intended to place an order using a platform that displayed her company's name (F&B). However, she observed something unusual in the online ordering process, unlike what she had encountered before. Consequently, upon my advice, she decided to take a different approach and called her friend at the call center where she worked for more than a decade, to place her order over the phone. Related to this, I have just read an article published in Khaleej Times that broke my heart. It was about the unfortunate experience of a Dubai resident who lost a staggering AED14K after placing a seemingly harmless AED14 order on a fake fast-food website. This cautionary tale serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in the digital age. (Read more here .)  In a world of convenience and instant gratification, fast food has become an integral part of our lives. We often rely on online plat

Prioritizing Physical Health: Body, Mind and Balance Equation to Self-empowerment

During my youth, I toiled tirelessly. From a tender age, I shouldered the responsibility of supporting my family. Even after marriage, when my husband faced unemployment for several years, I extended myself beyond all limits to ensure our ends met. It appears as though I was destined to embrace the rugged path and battle fiercely for survival. As time has passed, I remain unchanged, often neglecting my own well-being, as, like a solitary warrior, I continue to prioritize fulfilling my basic needs. In our fast-paced world, we often find ourselves pushing the limits of our physical abilities to achieve our goals. The relentless pursuit of success, coupled with the demands of modern life, can sometimes lead us to neglect one of our most precious assets: our bodies . While our minds may be willing and eager to conquer new challenges, our bodies may not always be up to the task. This disconnection between our mental determination and physical well-being highlights the importance of taking e

Navigating Debt and Collection

  My dear friend faced a distressing situation this morning when the HR department at her workplace received a call from a third-party debt collector, contracted by the bank, regarding her long-overdue credit card and personal loan payments. The challenges of the pandemic and some family financial difficulties had made it impossible for her to meet her payment obligations on time. She said that the collector assigned to her account displayed a shocking level of rudeness, resorting to threats and intimidation. It's disheartening to think about the toll such actions can take. I advised her to email separately the bank and her company HR department on this. Many lives have been lost because of the immense pressure debt collectors can exert on emotionally vulnerable individuals. Very emotionally weak debtors resort to total withdrawal. Those who manage to survive often find themselves unable to sleep at night and unable to lead normal lives due to the immense stress caused by these sit

Revolutionizing Visa Policies: Innovative Reforms for Economic Growth

 In today's rapidly changing world, countries are revolutionizing their visa policies to attract talent, boost their economies, and adapt to new global realities.  From remote worker visas to climate refugee programs, innovative visa reforms are gaining traction worldwide.  Here are some innovative ideas related to pioneering visa reforms: 1. Skill Mobility Visa: Unlocking Global Talent Potential Attraction: Skilled professionals from diverse fields Skill mobility visas allow individuals with sought-after expertise to move seamlessly between countries, fostering knowledge exchange and innovation. 2. Remote Worker Visa: Bridging the Digital Divide Potential Attraction: Remote workers and digital nomads Remote worker visas capitalize on the remote work trend, encouraging professionals to work from abroad while stimulating local economies. 3. Cultural Exchange Visas: Fostering Understanding Through Art Potential Attraction: Artists, cultural ambassadors, and educators Cultural exchang

Starting Anew: A Guide to Reinventing Your Life When on the Road to 60's

  I am fast approaching my 60's and feeling like life's opportunities have passed me by. Do you feel the same if you are in late 50's? Let's think and rethink about it, and give a strong boost to ourselves. It's never too late to embark on a fresh journey and redefine our path. As George Eliot once said, It is never too late to be what you might have been. With the right mindset and a strategic plan, we can start from scratch and create a meaningful, fulfilling life in our golden years. Here are some notes for you, and for myself, too. 1. Self-Reflection and Goal Setting Begin your journey of reinvention by taking a close look within. Identify your interests, values, and passions. What truly ignites your soul? What are the skills and knowledge you need to pursue your passions? Set clear, achievable goals that will serve as your guiding stars. 2. Skills and Education Never underestimate the power of education, regardless of your age. Acquiring new skills or deepenin

Unlocking Joy: The Lucrative Business of Selling Happiness in a Lonely World

  Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. Thus said Omar Khayyam . In a world that often feels lonely and disconnected, the pursuit of happiness has become more than just a personal goal; it's a thriving business opportunity. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the demand for happiness has surged, creating a diverse landscape of innovative business models aimed at spreading joy and alleviating sadness. I passionately m aintain that addressing the growing loneliness problem is not only a moral imperative but also a smart entrepreneurial move. Let's explore some viable business models that revolve around selling happiness and how they're making a significant impact on people's lives. 1.  Mental Wellness Apps In the age of technology, mental wellness apps have emerged as powerful tools for promoting happiness and emotional well-being. These apps offer guided meditation, therapy, and stress management techniques. They provide a convenient and access

Food Delivery Trust Crisis: Responses and Reflections

Recently a video of a food delivery rider has gone viral. He was recorded eating food and drinking beverages assumed to be a customer's order. This reminds me of my conversation with my niece who ordered foods from one of the leading F&B businesses here. She cracked a joke, 'Ninang (means 'godmother'), why this food serving is less than delivered same meal before? Maybe the delivery boy ate a part of it."   We both laughed. She worked in the F&B business for almost two (2) decades so she is very meticulous when it comes to her field of work. I replied, "Maybe because of pandemic, they reduced the serving." But what if she's right? What if that food delivery rider, out of hunger, really ate a part of his food and sipped from drinks supposedly for a customer? Who knows?   I passionately m oved myself to different characters in my imagination. I remember what our mentor in movie script writing class said,  "Always remember empathy . When yo

Passionate Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide to Monetization on

I passionately m ake it a point to blog daily these days, though ideal blogging frequency is at least 2x to 4x a month. When I express myself, I feel good inside. It's good for my mental health. If you want to start blogging, do it on , a popular platform for beginners due to its ease of use. Blogger is a free blog hosting service by Google, the search engine king.   Monetizing a blog  can be a rewarding endeavor, but it requires careful planning and consistent effort. To get inspired, see top blogs and bloggers earning US$40K and up here . I haven't monetized my blog "Passionately M".   Perhaps when I reach my 20,000 views. As of this writing, it shows 8,300 views. (I am not promoting my blog aggressively so most of the views are organic as I share my posts only with a handful of relatives and friends.) Here's a step-by-step guide on how to monetize your blog:  Step 1: Choose Your Niche Select a niche you are passionate about and that has a potenti

Unlocking Access to Online Purchase: Safe and Inclusive Payment Solutions for All

  In an era dominated by digital commerce, online shopping has become an integral part of our lives. From groceries to gadgets, the internet offers an expansive marketplace, bringing convenience and choice to consumers worldwide. However for individuals without access to debit or credit cards and traditional bank accounts, this digital revolution often feels like an exclusive club to which they do not have a membership. In this blog, I endeavor to bring attention to the pressing need for more inclusive payment options in the online realm. Here are some of practical, secure, and innovative alternatives that have the potential to make online shopping accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances. 1. Digital Wallets: Empowering the Unbanked One of the most promising solutions lies in the development of digital wallets tailored for the unbanked population. These digital wallets can be funded through cash deposits at local stores or retail outlets, effectively bypassi

On Struggling Parents Still Working Hard in their 50's and Beyond

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is all too easy to overlook the silent sacrifices that our parents make for us, even as they enter their 50's. Many find themselves toiling away in jobs they may not love, solely for the sake of survival. While their dedication is commendable, it is time for the children, to step up and take responsibility for their own lives and futures, as well as for the well-being of aging parents. In his sixties, my friend tirelessly labors under the scorching sun, grappling with an increasingly demanding work routine. His workplace has become a realm of distraction as his two grown-up daughters, both married with families of their own, incessantly inundate him with pleas for financial assistance. The eldest daughter seeks money for her birthday celebration, while the younger one urgently requires support to cover her house and lot mortgage. Returning from a recent vacation, he received partial salary that barely covered a week's worth of lab

Selling Your Business Concept in the Philippines: A Strategic Approach

Do you have a business concept, either still a concept, operational in the past and stopped, or still operational in the Philippines that you want to sell?  A relative is contemplating on selling their family business concept, the operation of which stopped for some years, and she sought my advice on what to do. This reminds me of a business that I sold before to the father of my friends and former high school classmates (one of them married my former staff at the college publication).  He was recommended by my college classmate who happened to be very, very close to him. Small world. It was a 'painful'   ex-deal. I chose him, among three (3) prospective buyers because I was thinking that he could continue it successfully. Setting up a business is like giving birth to a baby. That was my brainchild and I passionately m olded it prior to transfer. Selling a business concept in the Philippines can be a complex and variable process. The value of your business concept can depend on

Chicken Wings: A Flavorful Love Affair

Those close to me are well aware that whenever there is a cooked chicken on the table, I invariably gravitate toward the chicken wings. My love affair with chicken wings has been a flavorful journey that started when I was just a little girl. There's something undeniably captivating about chicken wings that transcends culinary boundaries and brings people together. These humble morsels, often overshadowed by more prominent cuts of poultry, have carved out a special place in the hearts and palates of millions worldwide. But what is it about chicken wings that makes them so irresistibly appealing? 1.  Flavor Explosion At the heart of the chicken wing's allure is its capacity to deliver an explosion of flavors in every bite. These small pieces of poultry act as flavor sponges, soaking up marinades, seasonings, and sauces like nobody's business. Whether they're bathed in spicy buffalo sauce, coated in tangy barbecue glaze, or dusted with zesty spices, chicken wings are a ca

Turning Graphic Design Talent and Skill into Income

  I am a creative person, and I am truly grateful to our Almighty God for that heavenly gift, and to my parents for the DNA . Since I was a child, creative activities have brought me an immense joy and also helped me meet my needs. According to Alex Gonzales, "We all have creative DNA. It’s the instinct and capacity for ideas that exist outside the status quo, the confines of our environment or industry, or even historical ‘best practices.’ We all have it. For some of us, exercising it is natural. For others, tapping into it takes a courageous act." From  Albert Einstein , Creativity is intelligence having fun. Creativity is a remarkable gift that allows us to express our unique perspectives, emotions, and ideas. It is a force that can breathe life into the mundane, transform ordinary objects into art, and give a voice to the silent. If you are one of the fortunate ones blessed with creativity, you possess a treasure that can not only enrich your soul but also serve as a me

Experience Tranquility and Scenic Beauty at "Tanaw" Condo (SMDC Wind Residences)

  When you want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, immerse yourself in the serene beauty of Tagaytay's landscape at Tanaw  condo in SMDC Wind Residences in Tagaytay, Philippines. Derived from the Filipino word for "see," Tanaw offers you not only a comfortable stay but also a chance to witness breathtaking sceneries nearby. This meticulously designed condominium is a haven of tranquility that seamlessly combines minimalistic elegance with a touch of Filipiniana charm. I am passionately m agnetized by the looks of it. The Scenic Retreat You've Been Seeking Nestled in the heart of Tagaytay, Tanaw condo provides you with an unparalleled opportunity to embrace nature's beauty. Wake up to stunning panoramic views of Taal Volcano, the picturesque Taal Lake, and the lush surrounding countryside. The condo's elevated location ensures you enjoy uninterrupted vistas that soothe the soul and rejuvenate the spirit. A Minimalistic Filipiniana Oasis Tanaw