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Protect Yourself from Fake Fast-Food Websites: A Cautionary Tale

A few weeks ago, my niece came to visit me. She was accustomed to ordering foods online and had intended to place an order using a platform that displayed her company's name (F&B). However, she observed something unusual in the online ordering process, unlike what she had encountered before. Consequently, upon my advice, she decided to take a different approach and called her friend at the call center where she worked for more than a decade, to place her order over the phone.

Related to this, I have just read an article published in Khaleej Times that broke my heart. It was about the unfortunate experience of a Dubai resident who lost a staggering AED14K after placing a seemingly harmless AED14 order on a fake fast-food website. This cautionary tale serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in the digital age. (Read more here.) 

In a world of convenience and instant gratification, fast food has become an integral part of our lives. We often rely on online platforms to satisfy our cravings. But what happens when that tempting offer turns into a costly mistake?

The Tempting Trap Turned to a Nightmare

The mentioned subject used to purchase his groceries online and order foods from reputable delivery platforms. However, his world took an unexpected turn when he encountered an advertisement on social media that mirrored a popular fast-food chain. Promising a great deal of combo meal for just AED14, it was an offer too enticing to resist.

Like many of us would, he immediately clicked on the link and entered his credit card details to seal the deal. The purchase process appeared swift and seamless, and he received a message confirming his successful order. Little did he know that he had fallen victim to a fraudulent scheme. Instead of paying AED14, he found AED14K debited from his account.

Be Cautious, Stay Safe

This alarming incident should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. UAE authorities have consistently issued advisories urging residents to exercise caution on social media, especially when it comes to sharing personal and financial information. It's important to verify information from official channels and trusted websites and social media accounts.

Banks in the UAE also play their part by regularly reminding customers of safe online practices. However, in cases where customers fall prey to their own mistakes, banks may not refund the lost money. In some cases the customer may file a dispute but it would take time to have the lost money refunded depending on the investigation result, and yes, may not be at all. 

A Lesson in Vigilance

The victim, through his unfortunate experience, has learned a valuable lesson, based on the KT article. He emphasizes, "Going forward, there is no way I'll click on those social media advertisements again. I have learnt my lesson that I should not believe everything that pops up on social media. Also, I'll place orders directly through the company's websites only, not through advertisements on social media." (May this KT article reach many readers.)

The lure of fast food or other merchants' offers may be irresistible, but the allure of caution should be considered.

As consumers, we must exercise discernment and prioritize safety when navigating the digital realm.

Protect yourself from falling victim to fake fast-food websites by staying vigilant, verifying sources, and always thinking twice before clicking on an offer that seems too good to be true. Ignore the cravings and impulse buying. 

Your Security Matters

As Publilius Syrus said, 

It is a good thing to learn caution from the misfortunes of others. 

I passionately make it a point to remind my relatives and friends to be more vigilant in the digital realm, where the bad guys hide in the dark. 

In an age where online food ordering has become the norm, the threat of falling victim to fake fast-food websites looms large. Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it a MUST for customers, banks, and fast-food owners/managers to collaborate in safeguarding against fraudulent activities. Here's how each party can play a role in staying vigilant:


1. Double-check website URLs: Before placing an order, verify that the website's URL matches the official one of the fast-food chain.
2. Look for HTTPS: Ensure that the website uses a secure connection (HTTPS) and displays a padlock icon in the browser's address bar.
3. Read reviews and ratings: Check for customer reviews and ratings on trusted review platforms to gauge the website's authenticity and reliability.
4. Avoid suspicious pop-up ads: Be cautious of clicking on pop-up advertisements on social media or unfamiliar websites. Stick to official channels.
5. Verify contact information: Confirm the contact information provided on the website. Look for a physical address and customer support details.
6.  Advise your bank to require strict OTP verification: Communicate with your bank that your OTP (one-time password) is strictly required before charging you for every single purchase transaction online.
6. Monitor bank statements: Regularly review your bank statements for any unauthorized or unusual transactions. Report them immediately.
7. Educate yourself: Stay informed about common online scams and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true.


1. Implement robust security measures: Invest in advanced fraud detection and prevention systems to identify and block suspicious transactions.
2. Monitor for unusual activity: Continuously monitor customer accounts for irregularities and proactively flag potentially fraudulent transactions.
3. Educate customers: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate customers about online security and the importance of not sharing sensitive information.
4. Prompt response: Act swiftly when customers report unauthorized transactions, and provide them with guidance on the next steps.
5. Collaborate with authorities: Work closely with law enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute scammers.


1. Secure your online presence: Invest in robust website security to protect your brand from phishing attempts and fake websites.
2. Promote official channels: Encourage customers to order through your official website or trusted delivery partners rather than third-party platforms.
3. Monitor brand mentions: Keep an eye on social media and other online platforms for any mention or discussion related to fake websites using your brand's name. Better still, include your brand name in your Google Alert setting.
4. Report fraud: If you come across fake websites impersonating your brand, report them to the appropriate authorities and take legal action if necessary.
5. Customer communication: Communicate with your customers through official channels to alert them to potential scams and provide a very clear guidance on safe ordering.

By working together and staying vigilant, customers, banks, and fast-food owners/managers can reduce the risk of falling victim to fake fast-food websites and protect their financial and brand integrity. In the digital age, caution is truly our best defense against online scams.


Image credits:  Pixabay | Mohamed_Hassan


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