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Food Delivery Trust Crisis: Responses and Reflections

Recently a video of a food delivery rider has gone viral. He was recorded eating food and drinking beverages assumed to be a customer's order.

This reminds me of my conversation with my niece who ordered foods from one of the leading F&B businesses here.

She cracked a joke, 'Ninang (means 'godmother'), why this food serving is less than delivered same meal before? Maybe the delivery boy ate a part of it."  We both laughed. She worked in the F&B business for almost two (2) decades so she is very meticulous when it comes to her field of work. I replied, "Maybe because of pandemic, they reduced the serving."

But what if she's right? What if that food delivery rider, out of hunger, really ate a part of his food and sipped from drinks supposedly for a customer? Who knows?  

I passionately moved myself to different characters in my imagination. I remember what our mentor in movie script writing class said, "Always remember empathy. When you write a movie script, know how others in the story scene will feel as a reaction to the dialogue or action of one character." 

What would I do to respond to the situation?

➤  The Delivery Rider

If I were the delivery rider, I would:

  1. Apologize profusely: I would apologize sincerely, and acknowledge my wrongdoing.
  2. Contact the customer: I would contact the customer whose order I tampered with, apologize personally, and offer to replace the order or compensate them.
  3. Improve work attitude: I would reflect on my actions, understand the gravity of the breach of trust, and make a commitment to never repeat such behavior.

 ➤  The Delivery Rider Employer

If I were employer of the delivery rider, I would:

  1. Investigate thoroughly: Launch an internal investigation to verify the authenticity of the video and identify the rider involved.
  2. Effect temporary suspension to the erring employee: Suspend the rider pending the investigation to prevent further incidents.
  3. Compensate the customer: Contact the affected customer, apologize, and offer compensation for the incident.
  4. Reinforce policies: Reiterate company policies on food handling and customer service to all delivery riders.
  5. Issue a public statement / response:  Issue a public statement addressing the incident, reassuring customers of our commitment to their satisfaction and food safety.
➤  F&B Business that Offers Home Delivery Services

If I were an F&B business offering home delivery services through a third party, I would:
  1. Reevaluate contracts: Review contracts and agreements with delivery partners to include clauses regarding food handling, hygiene, and customer satisfaction.
  2. Train and monitor delivery boys: Provide additional training on food safety and hygiene to delivery partners and establish mechanisms for monitoring their behavior.
  3. Be strict on quality control: Implement quality control measures to ensure that food is delivered in the best possible condition.
  4. Seal the containers: Seal the containers with business logo labels / stickers.
  5. Issue a public statement or response: Issue a public statement expressing regret for the incident, outlining the measures taken to prevent such occurrences in the future, and reaffirming the commitment to customer satisfaction and safety.

➤  The Video Recorder

If I were the person who recorded the video, I would:

  1. Cooperate with authorities: Be willing to provide the original video as evidence to authorities, if requested.
  2. Avoid sharing identifying information: Ensure that any sharing of the video respects privacy and avoids sharing identifying information of the individuals involved.

➤  The Netizen who Viewed the Viral Video

As a concerned netizen who viewed the video, I would:

  1. Share responsibly: Refrain from spreading the video further if it contains sensitive or identifying information.
  2. Express concerns: Comment on the video expressing concerns and encourage responsible actions by the employer and authorities.

➤  The Government Authority

If I were a government authority responsible for regulating food delivery services, I would:

  1. Investigate thoroughly:  Initiate an official investigation into the incident to ensure that food safety and hygiene regulations have not been violated.
  2. Enforce penalties: If violations are found, enforce appropriate penalties or fines on the delivery company and the rider if necessary.
  3. Do regular inspections: Increase inspections of food delivery services to ensure compliance with food safety regulations.
I am 100% confident that if this is in Dubai, the government responds immediately and appropriately, as the leaders and authorities want to keep all consumers protected at all times.

Oh, I forgot to include ➤ The Customer who placed the order.  Of course, his natural reaction would be to feel bad and get angry, except for one or few who would just shrug their shoulders. 

I saw this --
I hate it when someone else takes the piece of food I mentally claimed... 
The logistics part in food and beverage delivery is a crucial part of the business. It is vital in the F&B  network that must get better, and evolve -- not the opposite.


Image credits:  Pixabay | Elf_Moondance


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