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UAE Amnesty Program, Possible AI Usage and Utilization of Collaborators


The UAE government has announced an amnesty program for visa violators in August 2024, that will run for two (2) months starting 1 September 2024.  As of this writing, there is no announcement yet as to  specific amnesty program related to AI or artificial intelligence.  However, given the country's history of offering such initiatives, it's advisable to keep an eye on official government channels and news outlets for updates.

Per Arabian Business online, "The Authority declared its intention to employ advanced technology and AI to execute the decision and simplify procedures, aligning with the directive to reduce governmental red tape."

When a new amnesty program is announced, the UAE government intends to  employ AI to streamline the process and make it more accessible.

Here's how AI is likely to be used, according to AI:

1. Online Registration and Verification:

  • Automated platforms: The government may launch online portals where individuals can register their information. AI can verify the accuracy of the data against existing records.
  • Facial recognition: AI-powered facial recognition technology can compare uploaded photos with existing government databases to ensure identity verification.

2. Efficient Document Processing:

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR): AI can extract information from scanned documents like passports, visas, and Emirates IDs, reducing manual data entry.
  • Document verification:  AI algorithms can compare documents against known standards and detect inconsistencies or fraudulent documents.

3. Appointment Scheduling and Queue Management:

  • Intelligent scheduling: AI can analyze historical data to predict peak times and optimize appointment scheduling, minimizing wait times.
  • Virtual queuing: AI-powered virtual queuing systems can allow individuals to check-in online, reducing physical crowding at government offices.

4. Personalized Guidance and Assistance:

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-powered chatbots can provide initial guidance and answer common questions, freeing up human agents for more complex inquiries.
  • Personalized recommendations: AI can analyze an individual's situation and recommend the most appropriate course of action based on his specific circumstances.

To stay informed about any upcoming amnesty programs and how AI will be used, it's recommended to follow these official channels:

UAE Ministry of Interior:

General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA):

Local news outlets: Keep an eye on reputable news sources in the UAE for updates.

IMPORTANT: By staying informed and understanding how AI will be utilized, visa violators can better prepare for any future amnesty programs and take advantage of the efficient and streamlined processes they offer.


How AI can significantly reduce the processing time for documents:

While the exact reduction in days will depend on various factors such as the volume of applications, the complexity of the documents, and the specific AI technologies employed, it's reasonable to expect a substantial decrease. The UAE government is very keen on expediting things, reducing the number of steps to be taken, and number of days or hours to process things to completion.

Here are some ways AI can expedite document processing:

  • Automation of manual tasks: AI can automate routine tasks like data entry, verification, and document classification, reducing the need for human intervention.
  • Intelligent document analysis: AI algorithms can extract relevant information from documents more accurately and efficiently than humans, minimizing the risk of errors and delays.
  • Real-time processing: AI-powered systems can process documents in real-time, eliminating the need for manual review and approval processes.
  • Predictive analytics: AI can analyze historical data to identify potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies, allowing for proactive measures to improve processing times.

It is not uncommon for AI-powered systems to reduce document processing times by 50% or more. The actual reduction will depend on the specific use case and the level of automation implemented.


How online procedures can significantly streamline the process for individuals seeking amnesty in the UAE and help them avoid unnecessary costs and delays: 

Here are some examples of online procedures that can possibly be implemented:

  • Online registration and application: Individuals can submit their applications and supporting documents directly through an online portal, eliminating the need for physical visits to government offices.
  • Virtual interviews: Interviews with immigration officials can be conducted via video conferencing, reducing travel costs and wait times.
  • Online payment: Related fees can be paid securely online using various payment methods, eliminating the need for physical visits to banks or payment centers.
  • Digital document verification: AI-powered systems can verify the authenticity of documents uploaded online, reducing the need for manual inspection and potential delays.
  • Online status tracking: Individuals can track the progress of their applications online, receiving real-time updates on the status of their case.

By digitizing these processes, the UAE government can reduce administrative costs, improve efficiency, and provide a more convenient experience for individuals seeking amnesty. This, in turn, can help them start a new life and contribute to the economy more quickly.


How consultants in the visa processing offices / typing centers and PRO service specialists can collaborate with the government, and handle online procedures on behalf of their clients:

Consultants in the visa processing offices / typing centers and PRO service specialists have  the expertise and infrastructure to:

  • Create online accounts: Typing centers can assist clients in setting up online accounts with relevant government agencies.
  • Upload documents: They can upload required documents to government portals, ensuring compliance with formatting and submission guidelines.
  • Make online payments: Typing centers can process online payments using secure payment gateways, ensuring that necessary fees are paid on time.
  • Verify documents: Some typing centers may have access to AI-powered document verification tools that can authenticate documents before submission.

By utilizing the services of consultants in the visa processing office / typing centers or PRO service specialists, individuals can save time and effort, and reduce the risk of errors or delays in their amnesty applications. They can also save their precious time and utilize that instead in preparation for getting back to normal life stream. 


When visa violators have to pay online and they do not have the debit or credit card --

Regarding payment of related fees (fines are waived, thanks to God and UAE government), while many government services now accept online payments, some typing centers or PRO services may still offer the option of collecting cash from clients and making the payments on their behalf. This can be convenient for individuals who may not have access to online payment methods.

By entrusting these tasks to professionals, individuals can focus on other important aspects of their lives, such as finding employment, securing housing, sourcing funds to start a small business or pay for freelance visa, and reconnecting with loved ones. This can help them transition back into normal life more smoothly and contribute to the overall well-being of their families and communities.


I passionately manifest that almost all UAE visa violators can make it on time, with renewed vigor and hope for a brighter future. If possible, zero visa violator. I pray that all will experience healing by God's grace and mercy, and return to their old selves stronger than ever. 

As Carli Lloyd said,

It’s always hard to deal with injuries mentally, but I like to think about it as a new beginning. I can’t change what happened, so the focus needs to go toward healing and coming back stronger than before. 


Image credits: This blogger's concept, AI-generated 


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