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"Wasting of Women's Talents Must Cease"

Here I am in a four-cornered room, thinking of many things that I can do considering my talents, but I cannot utilize to the fullest due to some obstacles which are not just in the mind but real. I am woman -- I know I have a power inside me yet I feel vulnerable.

There is an interesting article published in Gulf News, "In the Middle East, Momentum for Women Must Pick Up Speed" written by Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, dated 31 May 2018. Very timely, indeed, that I saw this article few minutes back. I am inspired to read similar write-ups promoting advocacy on importance of empowering women by giving them solid support.

Can we quantify wasted women's talents? Maybe we can in terms of lost opportunities. Or can we enumerate wasted women's talents if we cannot quantify them? There are women who are full-time mothers and housewives, either by choice or by tradition or both. We know that being so is indeed a tiring unpaid job for many women. For some they are compensated by rich husbands in terms of luxurious privileges afforded them. Are their talents wasted? No, not at all, not all talents are wasted -- but they can do more that weighs more. Talents at rest are talents wasted. Talents we don't use we lose. Talents we use grow and multiply.

Last night there was an automated recommended Youtube video for me to watch. It showed Philippine Pres. Rodrigo Duterte's common law wife, Madam Honeylet, speaking before Filipino women. She emphasized how important it is for a woman to have a source of livelihood of her own so she can buy things she wants for herself and family particularly her children. For some years, she has operated donuts and processed meat businesses that have helped her grow her wealth.

Here in the UAE, the name Mary Jane Alvero-Al Mahdi comes into my mind when it comes to empowered Filipinas. She is currently the globally multi-awarded chief executive officer of Prime Certification and Inspection Asia Pacific, Geoscience Testing Laboratory and Prime Training Center. What amazes me is her incredible transformation from a dreamer to a super empowered business and woman icon. She also reaches out to various communities and schools to mold more dreamers to maximize their potential to the fullest. In a country dominated by men, it is rare to see women as prime drivers of organizations and companies.

Her story is a supporting proof to this -- "In the past several years, research has shown that the increase of women in leadership is helping businesses to thrive in unprecedented ways."

In the city (Philippines) where I came from, most government departments are headed by women. They run their departments smoothly and treat their staff as their own children. Our city government has received many local and international awards, putting our place in one of top favorite destinations of local and global tourists.

The UAE government, as shown in  the similar article, has 2/3 women in the organizational structure -- which is a clear indication that the officials want women here to transform to become catalysts of country development. Nine (9) ministers are women, and the first female Arab speaker is a woman.

The advancement of women must indeed be one of top reform agenda if a country has to create a long-lasting positive impact for the present and future generations.  Girls and young women must be properly protected and educated for them to spread their wings and reach their full potential.

For many nights when I could not sleep I got myself hooked to Youtube royal videos particularly those related to 'Lilibet' -- the making of UK Queen Elizabeth II, the longest living woman leader. How did she manage to keep her family intact despite some controversies on husband Prince Philip and how did she stand the tests of time in the monarchy? It takes a very strong woman's intuitive understanding of things, a warrior's courage and followers' sincere prayers "God Save the Queen" to continuously play that noble lead role in her country's political and economic arena. At her age she does not get tired and still performs her royal duties to the best of her abilities.

Another figure in the royal family is Duchess of Sussex Megan Markle. I began to like former American Suits actress when I watched her video as she spoke before UN dignitaries about woman empowerment and feminism. Early in life she learned how to focus on her priorities in life through yoga. She achieved what she wanted, every stage of her journey, and used her power to shine more, that attracted the most eligible bachelor in the world, Prince Harry. The way she carried herself during her last wedding -- regal in her looks even if she is a commoner with a difficult past and difficult family members except her mother, bold in her simple wedding dress without clutter -- is a showcase of an empowered woman, with an invisible golden suitcase full of talents that can tame even a hungry lion.

The empowerment of women is an important propeller in the growth of the families, communities and countries. Women themselves, their families and others surrounding them must recognize their rights to full protection and respect, to equal opportunities and equal pay for equal work. By knowing these rights, they can best optimize their talents within their boundaries as every right has corresponding responsibility.

I hope that the local government in cooperation with companies, will sponsor free trainings, workshops and courses on these rights and related empowerment activities, open to girls and women in safe places easily accessible to them, say mall food courts and restaurants training rooms, hotel conference rooms, or open parks. It will be helpful also to feature some movies related to women heroism via Youtube channels.

The advocacy will be easily understood and promoted if men will be shared with compelling stories on how crucial the role of empowered women is, for ALL of us to prosper. Women can be their best version, with maximum use of talents, if properly supported, highly respected, greatly needed and unconditionally loved.

I am a woman. There is a power within me and I can feel it rebelling inside for not seeing full light. I don't want to lose my momentum. Before I know it I am old and cannot do things I want to do. I want to seek opportunities that best match my passion, talents, skills and experiences. The tall obstacles and bulky barriers are there. Only our Almighty God sees all. I passionately mark today as the day to reboot myself, and trust He leads me to where I should be.

Humbly I apologize to Father Almighty, my family and myself, for I have not utilized my God-given gifts to the fullest. I must take affirmative actions to rediscover, enhance and put my talents to full use.

Are you an empowered woman desiring to create an impact in  the world? Can you do mentoring to help women and girls reach their full potential?
Photo credits:  Pixabay


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