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Ghosted by Grub? Dealing with Food Exclusion and Passive-Aggresive 'Friends'


Have you ever found yourself surrounded by the delicious aroma of homemade food, only to realize you are the only one not offered a bite?  This frustrating scenario, where someone excludes you from their food sharing, can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and maybe a little hangry.

Why Does This Happen?

There are several reasons why someone might engage in this kind of passive-aggressive behavior.  Maybe he / she holds a grudge you are unaware of, feels socially anxious about inclusion, or is simply dealing with his / her own issues that manifest in exclusionary ways.

The Power of Food Sharing

Food is more than sustenance. It is a universal language of love, community, and connection. Sharing a meal signifies trust, bonding, and a sense of belonging.  Being excluded from this ritual can be a real blow, especially if it is a recurring pattern.

So, You've Been Ghosted by Grub. Now What?

I have experienced that many times with some people who think they are very godly, religious and educated. But I did not care at all. They wanted to make me sad and angry, but their actions did not matter at all, so they had no power over me. Life goes on without them and their foods. 

What can we do if they do not have love for you in their hearts? Food is love, As Giada De Laurentiis once said,

Food brings people together on many different levels. It’s nourishment of the soul and body; it’s truly love.

Here are some steps to navigate this sticky situation:

Consider a Calm Conversation: If the relationship is important to you, a friendly and non-confrontational chat might clear the air.  Ask if there's anything you've done to upset them. Open communication is key.

Give Them Space:  Sometimes, people need time. If talking doesn't resolve the issue, giving them space and focusing on positive connections elsewhere might be the best course of action.

Time to Cook for Yourself!  Don't let someone else's behavior dictate your happiness. Embrace your culinary skills and whip up some delicious meals for yourself. You deserve to enjoy good food, too! If you have no time to cook, just order from a restaurant the food you're craving for home delivery.

Remember: You can't control their actions, but you can control yours. Choose kindness and compassion in your own interactions, and focus on building strong, supportive connections where food is shared with love and inclusivity.

Bonus Tip: Surround yourself with people who appreciate you, "food-share" with genuine friends, and celebrate the joy of delicious meals -- with or without the side of drama!

As for me, I just passionately make it a point that when I have to "food-share", nobody would feel out-of-place, otherwise, I'd not offer at all to one or only few people, in front of others.

Image credits: Canva, created by this blogger


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