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Ditalini Delight: A Creamy Beef and Broccoli Pasta

They say the way to a person's heart is through his stomach. And also it's the way to a man's brains.

Spanish Proverb says,
The belly rules the mind.
There's no truer statement than when it comes to a comforting bowl of pasta. 

And when it's packed with flavor, like our Creamy Beef and Broccoli Ditalini, it's pure indulgence. This dish is a perfect blend of hearty and wholesome, making it a satisfying meal for any night of the week.

The secret to this recipe lies in the balance of flavors. The sweetness of the broccoli complements the savory richness of the beef, while the creamy sauce brings it all together. Ditalini, with its unique shape, provides the perfect vessel for soaking up every last drop of that delectable sauce.

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this recipe is easy to follow and delivers impressive results. So, gather your ingredients and prepare to be transported to pasta paradise.


RECIPE:  Creamy Beef and Broccoli Ditalini


  • ditalini* pasta (short, tube-shaped pasta with straight cut ends)
  • broccoli
  • minced beef
  • onion
  • garlic
  • Knorr beef cube
  • Del Monte creamy & cheesy spaghetti sauce
  • Del Monte tomato sauce
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Cook the pasta: Cook the ditalini according to package directions until al dente. Drain and set aside.
  2. Sauté the beef and vegetables: In a large skillet, brown the minced beef with chopped onion and garlic until the beef is cooked through. Drain any excess fat. Add chopped broccoli florets and sauté for a few minutes.
  3. Create the sauce: Crumble the Knorr beef cube into the skillet. Stir in the Del Monte creamy & cheesy spaghetti sauce and tomato sauce. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally.
  4. Combine and serve: Add the cooked ditalini to the sauce and toss to coat evenly. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.
For a richer flavor, you can add a splash of heavy cream to the sauce. You can also garnish with grated Parmesan cheese before serving.

Would you like to try a different twist on this recipe, perhaps adding some red bell pepper or mushrooms?


Remember, cooking is a journey of discovery. Experiment with different ingredients, flavors, and techniques to find your perfect dish. Most importantly, have fun.

I always passionately make it sure that I prepare meals that nourish both my body and soul.

How would you like to add a personal touch to this blog post? Perhaps a story about your love for pasta or a tip for cooking the perfect broccoli?


*Ditalini (Italian: [ditaˈliːni]; English: "small thimbles"), also referred to as tubettini, is a type of pasta that is shaped like small tubes. 

It has been described as "thimble-sized" and as "very short macaroni". In some areas it is also called "salad macaroni". 

During the industrial age in Apulia, Italy, increased development of ditali and other short-cut kinds of pasta occurred. 

In contemporary times, it is a mass-produced pasta. It is used in several dishes and is commonly used throughout Sicily.

(Reference: Wikipedia


Image credits:  This blogger 


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