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Rekindling the Flame: Provision, Motivation, and the Power of Feeling Loved


Lately, I've been feeling incredibly low. My energy is drained, and sadness hangs heavy.

The recent miscarriage of my daughter has caused immense sorrow, and the loss of a close friend in the Philippines has compounded the grief. Additionally, personal issues like my niece's sudden job termination have added stress, with her emotional burden weighing heavily on me through constant communication.

On top of that, business and personal relationships have been strained by those who struggle to see things from other perspectives and engage in undesirable behavior, leaving me deeply disappointed. 

And oh, the lies after lies of some people really annoy me beyond measure.

As Maya Angelou so eloquently wrote, 

You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; You may trod me in the very dirt -- But still, like dust, I'll rise.

There are times in life when we feel like dust: downtrodden, lacking energy, and questioning our place in the world. We may struggle with basic needs, feel unmotivated, and yearn for a sense of belonging.

But even in these moments of darkness, there is a spark within us, waiting to be rekindled. 

This spark is fueled by our need for provision, motivation, and the profound feeling of being loved.

Firstly, provision is the foundation of our existence. It encompasses the resources we need to survive and thrive. Whether it's food, shelter, or simply the ability to meet our basic necessities, having our needs met provides a sense of security and allows us to focus on other aspects of our lives.

Secondly, motivation is the engine that drives us forward. It's the inner fire that propels us to pursue our goals, overcome challenges, and experience the joy of accomplishment. When we feel unmotivated, it's like our engine is sputtering, leaving us feeling lost and adrift.

Finally, the feeling of being loved is a powerful force. It reminds us that we are not alone, that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves. It provides a sense of belonging and acceptance, even when we feel our worst.

I passionately meditate on these three elements -- provision, motivation, and the feeling of being loved --- because they are the cornerstones of a fulfilling life. 

When we have our basic needs met, feel a sense of purpose, and know that we are loved, we are better equipped to navigate the challenges of life and rise above the dust.

Even in the darkest moments, there is always a spark within us waiting to be rekindled. By nurturing the needs for provision, motivation, and the feeling of being loved, we can reignite our inner flame and rise stronger than ever before.

This is undeniably a time of immense grief. While I find solace in the promise of God taking away my sorrow and replacing it with joy (John 16:22 NIV), I yearn to experience that joy within my lifetime.


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