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When a Woman Does Not Receive a Timely and Fair Compensation for Services Rendered

I hate to hear this -- "Female is considered as a weaker sex."

Imagine this. In some cases, there is a same job done by a man and woman separately, payment priority is for the man before the woman, because she is considered to have a soft heart. Or perhaps, if they do both get service fees, the amount for man is bigger than for a woman.

When a woman receives money, her priority will always be her family. If she is a mother, she wants to ensure that there is a food on the table for her children. If the foods are not enough for all, she will sometimes lie and tell her children that she already ate somewhere outside, so everyone has his / her share and will not be hungry.

My friend, although she is still unmarried in her 40's, serves as the breadwinner for her sister who is a widow and her young girl. She also supports her brother who was left by the wife when he suffered from chronic illnesses. Her employer did not pay her for some months. Since they already established a good friendship, she did not quit and trusted him. Long story short, eventually she filed a case against him but since she signed a paper proving that she had no claims anymore, just for the visa to be swiftly cancelled so she can move to another employer, nothing happened. 

It is very difficult to have no money in the pocket more so when you are in a foreign land. You have to survive and fight like hell every single day if you do not have a good support system, no family nor close friends to help you when you are in the mud. Anxiety attacks will hit you, and it is not good for the mental health.

There are many vulnerable women who fall into trap of some bad guys. As they say, sometimes you have to do desperate actions in a desperate situation.

I want to understand why this happens. I also experience it sometimes that after working very hard and doing all the best I can day and night, there is a delay in paying for my services, or sometimes, just because of relationship or debt of gratitude, services are free. 

Why do some people prioritize spending on material things over paying for services rendered by their co-human beings, particularly, female ones?

Perceived value -- They  perceive that tangible goods provide more immediate or lasting value, compared to human services. They believe that buying something physical gives them a tangible asset, while services, although helpful to them, are seen as intangible or temporary, or can wait.

Emotional attachments
-- Some people think that material items hold emotional significance. Buying things like gadgets, clothes or luxury items provide a sense of status, comfort and joy, which can be emotionally rewarding for them.

Immediate gratification -- Their value system is different. For them material things offer instant gratification, whereas paying for services might not provide the same immediate satisfaction. They prefer instant pleasure of owning something they desire, over investing in a service with longer-term benefits and positive chain reactions to humanity.

Perceived necessity -- Some individuals view material items as necessities, while they see services as optional or less essential.  They might prioritize purchasing items they consider necessary for their daily lives.

Lack of awareness -- Some individuals do not fully understand the value and importance of certain services, leading them to undervalue or overlook them when it comes to payment.

Cultural and social influence -- Cultural norms and societal pressures can also influence spending behaviors. In some cultures, owning certain material possessions may be seen as a status symbol or a measure of success. 

The list may go longer than this. The bottom line is -- everyone's financial decisions are influenced by a unique combination of personal preferences, beliefs and circumstances.

It depends on the individual values and goals. Women must not be discriminated. It is crucial to recognize the importance of fair and timely compensation for services already rendered. It matters to prioritize paying for their services as it gives such a fulfilling experience to both the giver and receiver.

I passionately move to be productive and be of use, earn a living, live a dignified life. I hope that everywhere there is an equitable society that values and compensates women for their valuable contributions.

I pray that they will understand deeply how to deal with every single woman when she renders her services. The disparity a woman faces when it comes to receiving timely and fair payment for her services, has an impact on her life.

As Shannon L. Alder said, 
One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone.”


Image credits: Pixabay | Mohamed_hassan


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