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The Rise of Instagram Reels

Most of the netizens are crazy about Instagram Reels. 

My friend who invited me for a dinner treat on his birthday, was always head down to his gadget, answering birthday greetings, and trying to get engaged with his online viewers. He said he got very popular because of IG Reels. In my mind, I just hoped he had just at least some few minutes to talk to me as a real friend, in real place, at real time, there, then. After eating and few minutes of browsing on internet (too) for news updates, I told him I wanted to go home, but he said he was still doing something and to please wait. Well, fine. That was his request as a birthday celebrant. I got peanuts and iced tea. At least peanuts are good for my brains.

I love to watch Reels, too, but only interesting ones. I skip most of them. 

Instagram Reels is a feature on the social media platform Instagram that allows users to create short-form videos set to music, similar to TikTok. It was conceptualized as a response to the growing popularity of short-form video content and the success of platforms like TikTok. (I am not a Tiktok content creator.)

Instagram saw an opportunity to attract more users and keep them engaged by offering a similar video creation tool within their own app.

I created Reels, too, as there is an option on Facebook Story to create a Reels video. But honestly I do not want to be stressed with such a big, big desire of hitting the number of target views, or likes, or viewers' engagement, that I forget to live a normal life.  I can see lot of content creators who are stressed creating and uploading video clips, just for the sake of uploading them, and eventually the dream monetization. 

The platform's popularity and reach make it a valuable tool for content creators looking to grow their online presence and explore other avenues for earning income.

They can monetize from Reels through --

  • Influencer marketing: Creators with a significant following on Instagram may collaborate with brands and get paid for promoting products or services in their Reels.

  • Brand partnerships: Reels creators may partner with companies or brands for sponsored content, where they receive compensation for featuring the brand in their videos.

  • Driving traffic: Creators can use Reels to drive traffic to their other online platforms, such as YouTube, where they can monetize through ad revenue.

  • Building a personal brand: Successful Reels creators can build a strong personal brand, which can lead to opportunities like public speaking engagements or consulting gigs.

I want always to look at things at two (2) sides, the pros and cons, both for content creators and viewers, particularly the young ones.



Pros for Content Creators:

Wide Reach: Instagram Reels have the potential to reach a large and diverse audience, increasing the visibility of content creators.

Creativity and expressiveness: Reels allow content creators to showcase their creativity through short, engaging videos, encouraging experimentation with various content formats.

Viral potential: Well-crafted Reels have the chance to go viral, gaining substantial exposure and attracting new followers.

Community interaction: Reels facilitate direct interaction with followers through comments, likes, and shares, fostering a sense of community.

Opportunities for Monetization: Popular creators may be eligible for Instagram's monetization features, such as the Instagram Partner Program.

Cons for Content Creators:

Algorithm challenges: As with any social media platform, gaining visibility can be challenging due to the complex algorithm determining content exposure.

Short attention span: Reels' short format may limit in-depth storytelling or conveying complex messages.

High competition: The vast number of content creators on Instagram makes standing out and gaining a substantial following a competitive endeavor.

Copyright issues: Creators need to be cautious about using copyrighted material in their Reels to avoid potential violations.


Pros for Viewers:

Entertainment and inspiration: Instagram Reels offer a wide range of entertaining and inspiring contents, providing viewers with bite-sized doses of amusement.

Discovering new creators: Viewers can discover and follow new content creators whose work resonates with them.

Short and engaging: Reels' short duration allows viewers to quickly consume various content without investing much time.

Cons for Viewers:

Addictive nature: The ease of scrolling through Reels can lead to excessive screen time and potential addiction.

Lack of meaningful content: Some Reels may lack substance, containing non-sense or potentially misleading information.

Influence on youth: Excessive exposure to content without educational or informative value may influence young viewers' perspectives on career and education.


As far as I can recall, there is no such thing as "You're all caught up for now!" (unlike FB's) when I scroll down and view Reels. For most viewers particularly the young ones, the excessive time spent on non-meaningful reels and its potential negative effects on productivity and mental well-being, is alarming.

Another thing -- I see some content creators displaying big amount of cash monetized from Reels, but their contents are not that really good. In the minds of the young ones who can see them, maybe they think that if the goal after studies is to make money for a living, why finish studies when those content creators who are very young or not young but not that educated, can have a fortune like that?

I am already on the road to 60's but when free sometimes I cannot also help viewing Reels with meaningful contents and good entertainment, yet, they are really time-consuming. (Time could have been spent in other productive activities.)

For humanity's sake, I suggest some moving approaches to monetize IG Reels that will lead to creation of more substantial, truthful and impactful contents:

Verified content badge: Introduce a verified content badge for creators providing accurate and reliable information to promote responsible content creation.

Educational grants: Establish educational grants or incentives for creators producing informative content on various topics, encouraging the creation of meaningful Reels.

Community recognition: Implement a feature that highlights creators who use Reels to spread awareness about social issues and promote positive change.

Screen time awareness: Introduce periodic reminders to help users manage screen time and maintain a healthy balance between entertainment and learning.

Diverse monetization options: Provide various ways for creators to monetize their meaningful Reels, such as sponsored partnerships with responsible brands and access to exclusive contents for subscribers.


It's essential for Reels creators to focus on creating engaging and authentic content to grow their following and attract potential brand partnerships or opportunities for monetization.

By implementing the above measures, Instagram can promote a positive and educational environment, where content creators are incentivized to produce meaningful Reels that contribute positively to society and inspire viewers.

Perhaps in the future I can create Reels video clips, too, and passionately magnify contents that matter.

We are all creatives, all wanting to amplify what we call life, but I hope in a better positive way.

As Elizabeth Gilbert said,

A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.

As the rise of Instagram Reels reshapes the digital landscape, we must navigate its allure and impact with responsibility and purpose. By striking a balance between creativity and impact, Instagram can foster a more enriching experience for both content creators and viewers. We can embrace the ascent of Reels passionately, magnifying content that adds value and significance to the world.


Image credits: Pixabay / Viralyft


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