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Rediscovering Life's Treasures while Finding a Purpose in Dubai, UAE

For some financial constraints and other issues, my friend had not gone back home to the Philippines for thirteen (13) years until a month ago. No, he was not jailed, not hospitalized or whatever other worse scenarios -- simply the money issue. 

In his last company, he has worked for more than four (4) years doing multi-roles. They are only few there and he could not afford to leave the employer, being a 'brother' in a religious organization. The care and concern was there, solid despite the fact that they experienced delays in salary when business was not good or for some other reasons.

In December 2022, he requested the employer to permit him to go home and get reunited with the family. It took six (6) months before it was approved. His co-worker who was a new hire, was granted permission ahead of him. Sometimes, life is unfair, but this is the truth, everywhere. He said he would stay at the country of origin for three (3) to six (6) months, as he has accumulated his leave credits. The employer gave him AED2K only for a two-way ticket, but when the departure is near, the price of the roundtrip tickets get high. It is just 57% of the total price.

Somehow by God's grace I managed to help him, through my gracious daughter, to arrange for that. I knew it was heaven for him. His dear grandmother who raised him and his younger brother died, and he was not able to go home. His beloved mother died, and again, he could not pay his last respect. So it was good that he would be seeing his dear ones all alive. 

The loving youngest daughter, in her great excitement, went to the airport one day ahead of the arrival date, as she overlooked the time and date, so it added to expenses for the rent of the van, which she allocated already for the next mortgage payable for their newly constructed house. She was proud of her and her husband's achievement, and wanted to show her father that she had it designed with an extra room for him in his lifetime. (Wow! How many children these days have a heart like hers?)

He did not take his proper rest and relaxation, being used to a busy life. The unfinished house in his home province, from the sweat and tears of his departed mother, was his focus. Together with his brother and two (2) local laborers, they started to work on the areas that his budget would allow him to finish concreting and all. The other daughter and her family were there. He was surprised to see the father of his son-in-law, who suffered from stroke, was there in a separate small house. The son-in-law apologized as he said nobody else would take of his father but him. (Another wow! How many children these days have a heart like him? He saw how loving and caring his son-in-law to her daughter and grandchildren, and father, so he understood him quickly.)

His former co-teachers surprised him with a visit, and arranged for a mini-reunion. All brought him joy and somehow made his heart feel younger again, revisiting old places and memories.

Relatives based in other far areas communicated with him, and he reached out to them, and it strengthened the blood ties. 

A cousin who leads a local religious group hosted some mini-reunions to pray for their families.

As days flew very fast, the wallet got thinner and thinner each day. The prices of goods, even the basic necessities, are very high in the Philippines! But the experiences of prioritizing family and very close friends in strengthening relationship bond, for him, are all priceless. 

Then he realized it was not enough. Facing the challenges of scarcity at home directly, he could not sleep at night. Here, even if his daughters are both professionals, he still sends money home to support their young families, when needed.

Given the same body at his age, 60, and limited time, he could not get what he wanted to equate with the figure he needs for daily survival and family needs, let alone, unexpected expenses, there. He wanted to go back to Dubai, embrace the joy of productivity and the wisdom of experiences, for better earnings and peace of mind.

Perhaps, he has the mind of Twyla Tharp now.

Retirement at sixty is ridiculous. When I was sixty, I was just getting started.

So he changed his plan -- from three-to-six-months-dreamed-vacation, it's now one (1) month. While the clock still ticks in front of him, he wants to embark on new adventures, chase his dreams for retirement, and make the most of every moment.

"Expat residents in Dubai and the UAE can retire when they are 60. However, they are allowed to continue working until they turn 65. This is provided their employers apply for their permits successfully." (Reference:

Dubai, UAE, has numerous attractors for non-expatriate workers, particularly overseas Filipino workers.

1. Opportunities for employment: Dubai's dynamic economy offers a wide range of job opportunities across various industries, attracting skilled and unskilled workers from around the world. So here you will feel you are in the Philippines when you see many Filipinos everywhere.

2.  Tax-free income: One of the major draws is the non-taxable income, allowing workers to take home their full salary, making it an attractive option for expatriates.

3.  World-class infrastructure: Dubai boasts modern infrastructure, excellent transportation, and state-of-the-art facilities, providing a comfortable and convenient living experience.

4. Cultural diversity: The city is a melting pot of cultures, and the welcoming nature of Dubai's society makes it easier for overseas Filipino workers to adapt and feel at home. There are more than 200 nationalities here, and almost a million overseas Filipinos.

5. Safety and security: Dubai is known for its safe environment, making it a preferred destination for those seeking a secure and stable place to work and live. Even if you walk along the streets at 4AM, it is safe, and there is life, particularly in Deira area.

6. Expat-friendly environment: The UAE's government and authorities actively support expatriates, providing various services and initiatives to cater to their needs.

7. Quality healthcare and education: Dubai offers high-quality healthcare facilities and reputable international schools, ensuring the well-being and education of workers' families. 

8. Vibrant lifestyle: From stunning landmarks to luxurious shopping malls and vibrant nightlife, Dubai offers a rich and exciting lifestyle that appeals to many.

9. Career growth and learning: The city encourages professional development, offering numerous training programs and seminars to enhance workers' skills and knowledge.

10. World-class events and entertainment: Dubai hosts major events, exhibitions, and entertainment activities, ensuring there's always something exciting to experience.

These attractors make Dubai a sought-after destination for overseas Filipino workers seeking a better quality of life, career opportunities, and personal growth.

Being here for more than a decade, too, I passionately muster my remaining strength, like him, to do what I can with what I have. We cannot stay here forever, and we will return home, sooner or later -- rediscovering life's treasures, after finding a purpose here.


Image credits: Pixabay | Pexels


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