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New Islamic Year Brings Hope for Illumination and Empowerment

Today is 25 July 2023, Tuesday, 7th day of Muharram, or first month of the Islamic New Year. (I just do not know why the blog date shows 24 July 2023 even if my computer calendar shows the actual date, see below.) The evening of 18 July 2023, Tuesday, a week ago, marked the beginning of a new lunar Hijiri year. It is a like a dawn after the night, a new start. It gives an infinite hope to those who still have the courage to go on, amidst all life's challenges.

The number 7 is significant as it represents the seven (7) emirates, united by a common noble spirit.

In the Holy Bible, on the 7th day, God took a rest after creating the world in six (6) days, according to scholars.

I wish to connect the light and rest. There is a saying by Kate DiCamillo (about light), remaining line unknown,
Light is precious in a world so dark, and rest is a refuge in a world so fast.

I passionately meditate on this. 

If we only take a pause, how many are in the dark in search of light at the end of the tunnel, a new beginning? How many are restless and cannot sleep peacefully at night? And what can we do to give them light and rest?

The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has embraced the humanitarian values that Sheikh Zayed (may his soul rest in eternal peace) instilled among his children. These include generosity, compassion and giving to society. The current leaders are strongly committed to humanitarian work that revolves around community services and social responsibility. They have reached out to many people and transformed many lives. They continuously desire to give people light and rest in terms of doing their best to create a peaceful environment.

Five (5) years ago,  per Arabian Business, "more than 105,000 people benefited from its five-month visa amnesty programme". The benefits extended, of course, to 105,000 families, and multiply that to three (3), assuming there is an average of three (3) members per family, that means 315,000 people.


What are the humanity-friendly preventive approaches to reduce the number of overstayers?

1.  Clear and accessible information: Provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about visa requirements, residency rules, and overstaying penalties. Make sure this information is available in multiple languages to cater to the diverse population and tourists. Related websites must have a built-in app for language translation. Since some rules change from time to time, always indicate timestamp when there are information campaigns via social media.

2.  Educational campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate tourists and residents about the importance of adhering to visa and residency regulations. Explain the benefits of complying with the rules and have a reward system.

3.  Reminder system: Set up automated reminders for tourists and residents nearing the end of their visa or residency validity. These reminders can be sent via email, SMS, or through a mobile app, notifying individuals to take necessary actions to extend their stay or prepare to leave.

4. Collaboration with employers and tourism operators: Work closely in partnership with companies / employers and tourism operators to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities regarding the status of their employees or guests. Encourage them to facilitate proper visa and residency arrangements.

5. More flexible visa options: Introduce more flexible visa options that cater to the needs of various types of travelers and residents. Example: seasonal workers, so they have earnings to spend while they stay here.

6. Integration and assimilation programs: For residents, implement integration and assimilation programs to help them better understand the culture, laws, and customs of the UAE. This can foster a sense of belonging and encourage compliance with regulations.

7. Support services: Offer support services, such as multilingual helplines or assistance centers, where tourists and residents can seek guidance and clarification on visa and residency matters.


What are the humanity-friendly curative approaches that focus on understanding individual circumstances and promoting positive outcomes?

1. Counseling and support services: Provide counseling and support services to individuals who have overstayed their visas or residency permits. These services can help address any underlying issues that led to the overstay and offer guidance on rectifying their status.

2. Voluntary departure programs: Implement voluntary departure programs for individuals who wish to leave the country voluntarily after overstaying. Such programs can reduce the stigma associated with overstaying and allow people to return home with dignity.

3. Integration programs for residents: For residents, introduce integration programs that facilitate their assimilation into UAE society. These programs can include language classes, cultural orientation, and access to community support networks.

4. Flexible exit options: Offer flexible exit options for overstayers, allowing them to pay reduced fines or resolve their status without facing harsh penalties or bans. This approach can encourage individuals to rectify their situation promptly, either find another job or leave the country.

5. Mediation and conflict resolution: Employ mediation and conflict resolution mechanisms to address any disputes or grievances that might have contributed to the overstay. Finding peaceful resolutions outside the court, can prevent further complications.

6. Community outreach and education: Conduct regular community outreach and educational initiatives to raise awareness about visa and residency regulations among residents and tourists. Empowering them with knowledge can lead to more compliance, quicker status rectification and fewer overstays.

7. Collaboration with embassies and consulates, and private companies doing coordination work with government agencies:  Work closely with foreign embassies and consulates to assist their citizens who are overstaying or facing residency issues. Cooperation between governments can lead to more effective solutions. Coordination with private companies doing coordination work with government agencies whose offices are scattered nationwide, and easily accessible to them, can also help.


In the Digital Age, the UAE government was able to simplify and streamline the visa and residency renewal process by making it available online. The smart only system was put in place, particularly during the pandemic period. This greatly reduces the need for physical visits to government offices. Many people here are indeed grateful for this move.

The government offers a reasonable grace period for tourists and residents who overstay their visas or residency permits for some reasons. During this period, they do not face severe penalties or bans, but instead, they are encouraged to rectify their status or go back home.

The UAE top leaders stay committed to compassion and fairness. As we can read on online news, the authorities continuously review visa and residency policies to address any emerging issue or challenge. Some people say they keep changing the rules, but the reason is they want to be timely and relevant in the enactment and implementation of the laws and related rulings. They allow for timely adjustments and improvements to the system. It is up to the people to keep themselves updated of the laws, and to understand things better in the light of truth.

Indeed, it is essential to prioritize humanity and compassion. May another round around the globe witness more lights on, empower those who are left behind with knowledge and support system to move forward, and bring priceless peace to contribute to their overall wellness. May all key players strategize to help build stronger relationships with all individuals and foster a more inclusive and understanding society. 


Image credits: Pixabay | yesxcom & sandip44



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