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Achoring in "Here and Now" while Rediscovering the Power of Relationships

He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

Thus said Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

In a fast-paced world where virtual connections seem to take precedence over genuine human interactions, it is sad to see many people being addicted to gadgets, finding peace outside the home environment.

They live not here and now, but somewhere else, not only now, maybe travelling to a distant past, near or remote future, with a virtual someone. Does it mean they do not find peace at home? Does it mean they are not the happiest? 

One who finds peace in his home is the happiest. When you are peaceful in a place, you are there -- your mind and your body. You have presence of mind not lingering elsewhere. It is your present to those near and dear.

Time is a limited resource. When you share your limited time and what-have-you with others outside your home, it is good as Thomas Fuller has this meaningful quotation, "Charity begins at home, but it must not end there." 

But if we delve deeper into this concept, it says that it must start at home first, before beyond. We must appreciate and value the people closest and nearest to us -- the ones who offer unwavering support particularly in times of crisis. 

It has a very powerful message of extending acts of kindness and generosity first to them. We must  show compassion and caring first for those within our own household.

The Illusion of Admiration

In today's social media-driven society, many individuals seek validation and admiration from strangers, most of the times not even met yet in person, often at the expense of neglecting those who truly matter in their lives. 

Sometimes those who are behind the profile pictures and chats are not really the real persons, or maybe the real ones but hiding their true selves behind nice photos and very good communication, which is deceptive.

They are accepted and adored by virtual admirers as they continue to show them things that could impress the latter. The pursuit of external approval can create an illusion of happiness, leaving one disconnected from the present moment and the loving relationships that surround them.

Appreciating Our Support System

Amidst the allure of the virtual world, we must learn to appreciate and cherish the people who stand by us during life's ups and downs. Our family, friends, and loved ones are our pillars of strength, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ears when we need them the most. 

It is crucial to recognize the value they bring to our lives and reciprocate their care and support.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful practice that can transform our lives and relationships. 

When we cultivate gratitude for the blessings and love we receive at home, we shift our focus from seeking external validation to embracing the richness of our present experiences. 

By expressing gratitude to our support system, we reinforce the bonds of love and create a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

Nurturing Authentic Connections

The virtual world can offer temporary gratification, but it can never replace the authenticity and depth of real-life connections. 

By fostering genuine relationships at home, we build a strong foundation for emotional well-being and personal growth. 

The ability to confide in and lean on our loved ones strengthens our resilience in the face of challenges.

Practicing Presence and Mindfulness

In the pursuit of attracting the universe, we must first ground ourselves in the present moment.

 Engaging in mindfulness practices helps us cultivate awareness of our thoughts and emotions, enabling us to break free from the constant distractions of the virtual world. 

By being fully present with our loved ones, we show them the respect and attention they deserve.

Owning the Future

While dreams and aspirations are essential, owning the future also means acknowledging the significance of our present relationships. 

The foundation of our future success lies in the love, support, and sense of belonging we nurture at home. 

By investing in meaningful connections with our family and friends, we create a future filled with harmony and fulfillment.

As we navigate through the ever-changing landscape of the virtual world, let us passionately move ourselves anchoring in the present moment, expressing gratitude and love to those who have been by our side through thick and thin.

By prioritizing our support system and nurturing authentic connections, we unlock the true essence of happiness and create a brighter, more fulfilling future together with the dear and near.


Image credits:  Canva


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