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Conquer Your Fears with Courage (Supporting a Friend's Big C Journey)

My high school classmate and friend, a doctor in our place, invited me to join his newly organized FB Chat Group. He was our batch president and I was the class president. I wondered why it was named after my close friend and godmother of my middle child. Of course I could not say NO. 

I felt devastated when I learned that my friend, a dentist, the reason why that chat group was created, would undergo mastectomy soon, and they were raising funds.I had some chats with my friend, Fatima (not her true name), and she did not tell me that. Maybe she did not want me to worry as she knew some of my health issues, too.

One former  classmate, Eva (not her true name),  who was very active in coordinating with alumni, updated us that in just few weeks, Fatima underwent three (3) surgeries: cervical surgery, colectomy and appendectomy, and yes, soon mastectomy.  She knew it well as they were both in the same born-again Christian group, set up by her husband, a pastor, my former college batchmate and an active student leader, too, back then.

She used to be our class and school muse, and always stood out among the rest of the muses. Even in her professional association, she always graced the events as the queen. I can hardly imagine that she would be undergoing mastectomy, where one of her breasts would be removed. According to the daughter-in-law, as echoed to us by my classmate, there was a big lump removed from the breast.

I could not help crying. I could feel her pains. She did not tell me. When we met here during the time that she participated in an international convention related to her medical profession, we hugged and cried before we exchanged pleasantries and had some memorable catching up. We shared our stories of struggles and triumphs by faith.

In few days, my classmates somehow raised funds to support her. My family had some financial challenges recently due to hospitalization, too, so I came up with the idea of designing a T-shirt, and collaborating with a friend who owns a creative design company, with T-shirt printing services. The proceeds from the sales (100 pcs - limited edition) will somehow be of help to her.

I was thinking of "Conquer with Courage" but when I checked online, it was already Mountain Dew's campaign line. So I changed it to "Conquer Your Fears with Courage". 

Who will not have fears when you face this kind of challenge? It is OK to have fears initially. But every single fear must be dealt with with courage. 

I designed images with some biblical verses on healing. We always see related posts and they look ordinary to us, particularly if we are being flooded with same messages from time to time. But for those who resonate with the essence of the message, every post or DM (direct message) matters a lot.

The cost of chemotherapy in Batangas City, Philippines, can vary depending on several factors, including the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, the specific chemotherapy drugs used, the duration of treatment, and the healthcare facility or hospital chosen. Generally, chemotherapy is a critical component of cancer treatment, and its cost can be a significant concern for patients and their families.

I am not in the medical field so I do not know how many rounds of chemotherapy she would have. I know it would be costly and can still be a financial burden.

According to MedicalPinas online, the cost of chemotherapy in the Philippines may range from PhP10K to PhP120K, which depends on the number of sessions. 

More than a decade ago, my auntie (my mother's elder sister) had 3 chemotherapies in a week, and she lived for another 10 years. She was blessed to have the financial support of her youngest son who worked in the Middle East.

The expense of chemotherapy includes several components, such as:

  1. Chemotherapy drugs: The cost of chemotherapy drugs can vary widely based on their effectiveness and brand. Some drugs may be more expensive than others, contributing to the overall cost of treatment.
  2. Hospital or clinic fees: Chemotherapy is typically administered in hospitals or specialized cancer treatment centers. The fees for medical consultations, laboratory tests, and other medical services may be included in the overall cost.
  3. Medical equipment and facilities: The use of medical equipment and facilities during chemotherapy sessions may add to the total cost.
  4. Medical professionals' fees: Oncologists, nurses, and other medical professionals involved in the treatment process will have their respective fees.
  5. Supportive care: Additional medications or treatments required to manage side effects and support the patient's overall well-being may also contribute to the cost.

I had a chat with her a few minutes ago, and she asked for my prayers as she would be admitted to the hospital this afternoon for tomorrow's first round of chemotherapy.

It is a challenging journey. It costs a fortune to have a fighting chance against cancer. 

I will passionately make some moves to be of help to her, in my own little way. She is a very strong woman who believes in the Creator's promise. 

God, have mercy and help my dear beautiful friend and sister conquer all her fears with courage. 


Image credits: Free via platform


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