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Good Friday: The Celebration of the Most Momentous Event


In the history of the Christian world, the Good Friday is the celebration of the most momentous event.

It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus and His death at the Calvary. This basically reminds us of my favorite Bible verse, according to John 3:16 NIV --

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

When I was young, I remember that in our community, some families would host the reading of the Passion of Christ. People used to gather together to read the contents by singing, 24 hours a day, by shift. The host would prepare foods and snacks for all. Always there would be such a delicious hot ginger tea to soothe the throat. We did not eat meat, only fish and vegetables. Those who had no medical issue, would fast, as a way of expressing feeling the grief.

Then we used to go to the church full of devotees. Images and statues were covered with lavender fabric.  There was a deafening silence. At 3PM, the priest would lead solemn celebration to honor the way Jesus Christ underwent to save the world. Sometimes there were sound effects of the thunder. As my memory could recollect, in those days, the clouds were heavy and there was sadness in the air.

At that tender age, I knew better the definition of "empathy" -- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.  

I could feel His tremendous suffering when the agonizing crucifixion was recounted. The relevance as I grew up, it would make me realize that my real life's pains were nothing compared to the pains of Jesus, who died for the expiation of our sins. It would allow me to open myself to embrace the experience of sharing His cross, whatever the weight was.

Today as the traumas of different kinds of tormenting pains I alone silently suffered, kept flashing along my memory lane, I am asking myself: 

Ain't these enough? How much more can I afford to carry, given the fact that I am getting old?

Life can be dark and bleak for a day, or days, months, or years. But commemorating the suffering and death of Jesus, I am reminded that I will be victorious. My journey will be glorious. I am claiming it, in the name of my Messiah. 

This day is considered to be a decisive moment, a pivotal point, in a Christian life.

There is 100% willingness in the suffering. Otherwise the mind will be more tormented until you lose your sanity. There is an acceptance to experience it, and deal with it, alone, and finding the required tools to get up and rise again.

There is a deep awareness of the ultimate sacrifice to be victorious -- hit the goal or solve a problem --  at whatever cost.

We cannot have a full understanding of it all unless we directly experience ourselves how to be in the dark, how to be in chaos, how to feel betrayed, how to feel misunderstood, how to feel abandoned,  how to feel rejected, how to feel isolated, how to suffer from injustices and misjudgement, how to feel tortured, how to feel enslaved, how to feel hopeless. 

Today is Black Friday. Sorrowful Friday. But it is holy, too. Holy Friday. And good, Good Friday. And great, Great Friday.

Things may be too bloody bad, awfully terrible, whatever the term is, for many of us.

But today there is a good news of deliverance. The gospel of His grace gives us hope of relief and salvation.

Looking at the crucifixion, there is an intersection point, a convergence point.  Horizontal and vertical. Wrath and mercy. Sin and forgiveness. Restlessness and peace. Darkness and light. Pain and gain. Sacrifice and reward. Bondage and freedom. Sorrow and joy. Death and life.

Alone here, not feeling that very well, in a very challenging situation, I passionately make myself at peace with my inner soul and my Creator, "fixing our (my) eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." [ Hebrews 12 : 2 NIV ]

I will endure all. The joy is set before me.


Image credits:  Pixabay / Geralt 


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