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UAE Green Visa (Advanced Visa System)

The largest visa and entry reforms in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) came into effect last 3 October 2022, Monday. It is now active in the system, according to some typing centers, and as expected, many people inside and outside the country are interested to know more, and apply, if eligible.

Khaleej Times wrote, "According to the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP), the new scheme includes more than 15 types of visas, such as those for tourists, job-seekers, Golden and Green residencies and entry permits for truck drivers through land ports."

The UAE Green visa is positioned like in the middle, midway between the Golden visa and the rest. The Green visa holder can sponsor himself / herself for five (5) years without the need for a local (UAE) national or employer to sponsor his / her visa. This is renewable on the same term upon expiry.

As shown in UAE government portal, the Green visa provides many benefits, including --

  • getting residence permits easily for family members (spouse, children and first-degree relatives);
  • ability to sponsor male children up to 25 years old (previously 18), and no age limit for single daughters;
  • granting of residence permit to children of determination (with special needs) regardless of age;
  • longer grace period to stay in the UAE after visa is cancelled or expired (up to 6 months), and;
  • residency of family members is the same as that of the primary Green visa holder.
The following are eligible to apply for UAE Green visa:
  1. freelancers / self-employed people (work)
  2. skilled employees (work)
  3. investors or partners (investment) - participating in commercial activities (replaces previous residence visa, good for 2 years only)
Requirements for Freelancers and / or Self-employed People (UAE Green visa):

  • a freelance / self-employment permit from Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
  • a proof of a bachelor’s degree or specialised diploma
  • evidence of annual income from self-employment for the previous two (2) years for an amount not less than AED 360,000 (PhP5,787,482.00 as of this writing), or prove financial solvency throughout their stay in the UAE
Requirements for Skilled Employees (UAE Green visa):
  • a valid employment contract
  • be classified in the first, second or third occupational level* as per Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
  • hold a minimum of bachelor’s degree or equivalent have a salary of not less than AED 15,000
Requirements for Investors or Partners (UAE Green Visa):
  • approval of the investment and proof of investment (Note: If the investor/partner has more than one trade licenses, the total invested capital will be calculated.)
  • approval of the competent local authorities
The costs in applying for such may vary, based on the processing preferred -- directly online through government platforms, or through typing centers and / or consultants, as they will add service fees. Approximate costs, per Khaleej Times, will be AED3,175 +/- to cover visa (AED2,280), medical test fees, normal (AED320), visa and Emirates ID fees (AED575). 

For those in the work category (freelancers and self-employed, as well as the skilled employees in the first 3 occupational levels), this means increased security of tenure, which is more than double the previous one (2 years), and decreased costs (time and money) related to visa application and renewal. 

For industries that have some installment options, the customers or clients' payment schemes can be stretched to 5 years. For example, the banks extending loan facilities, real estate companies and car trading companies, among others.

For the families, it means a big relief and savings, as when their sponsored son reached 18 years old before, they could no longer sponsor for residency -- now age limit extends to 25 years old. There was a case when a son's (18 years old) was renewed on humanitarian  consideration because he was still going to school. 

There is no age limit for the unmarried daughters, which make the system more helpful in terms of monetary relief and less stress. Siblings, being included in the first-degree relatives, are also included.

For me, this matters most because there are many huge sacrificial pawns and immeasurable sadness when family members are apart from each other.

Added to the above, the savings because of this move which is a game-changer, can be spent by those (and they are many, many) that will be benefited by it, to purchase local products and services, that will help the UAE economy.

I will passionately move towards the attainment of my personal goals, one at a time. Go Green, yes. I hope and pray that I will qualify for this in the foreseeable future. 


*Skill levels of jobs

Per Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) online, there are nine (9) skill levels of of employment according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) issued by the International Labour Organization. The first three (3) levels that will help qualify a skilled employee for UAE Green visa are --

Level 1: Legislators, managers, and business executives

Level 2: Professionals in scientific, technical and human fields

Level 3: Technicians in scientific, technical and humanitarian fields


Image credits: Pixabay / Laurentiu / travelphotographer


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