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New Types of Visas in the UAE (Sept 2022)

Many people in the UAE are excited to welcome September 2022 and this excitement, for almost half a year, has greatly rippled that definitely stretches outside the country.

Few months ago (April), the UAE Cabinet approved some visas with a new system of entry and residence, which is considered to be one of the biggest overhauls in the visa residency system in years, according to "The National". 

The aim is to attract and retain global talents and skilled workers. It further says that flexible visas will boost "competitiveness and flexibility of the job market and foster high sense of stability among UAE residents and families". 

People on visit visa can stay up to 60 days, instead of 30 days only.

A five-year multi-entry tourist visa was introduced in addition to the regular tourist visa. The tourist can stay in the country up to 90 days in a row, and can be extended for another same period, so total of 180 days in a year. No sponsor is needed. A proof of having a bank balance of US$4K or AED14,692.06 as of writing (or equivalent in other foreign currencies) for the last six (6) months before submitting the application, is required.

Sponsorship of male children is increased from 18 to 25 years old, so they can stay in the UAE after graduating from school (first set out in September 2021). Sponsorship of an unmarried daughter is for an indefinite period. 

Regardless of age, children with disabilities will be granted visa permanently, which is very humanitarian.

Visa for studying and training can also be granted to qualified applicants so they can come for internship programs, study courses and trainings. Related details including the overall duration to support such are required. Public and private sector education and research institutes can sponsor the said visa applicant.

Jobseekers from the best 500 universities can apply for job exploration visa if they are bachelor's degree holders or its equivalent to find gainful employment in the UAE. The visa can be granted under the first, second and third skill level categories. No sponsor / host is required. This is a big relief for those talented ones who want to come here but they do not have a family nor friend to sponsor them and provide an affidavit of support (AFOS).

For those who want to start their own company or invest in other company or companies, a business visa can be granted upon meeting all the requirements, without the need for a sponsor.

Temporary work visa can be granted to those who want to come for any project-based work or temporary work assignment. Requirements include a temporary work contract or a letter from the employer and a valid health certificate.

I passionately monitor related news. More information will be added later.

Many of the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) here came on tourist visa and later found out some opportunities for a gainful employment. Now they are helping their families back home, and both the economies of the UAE and the Philippines. Many of those dreamers also experienced how it was to be offloaded for some reasons, despite spending so much for the processing of documents they were advised were needed, and other related expenses. Not all had the luck, as for some reasons particularly budgetary constraints, many of offloaded dreamers decided not to pursue their dream here.

I know a lot of people out there have such a great desire to visit and experience living and / working in the UAE particularly Dubai. It is not just for the pocket, but for the soul as well.  Jaime Lyn Beatty wrote --

Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul.


Image credits:  Pixabay | JESHOOTS-com


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