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Free Verified True Information Online


Those with at least a basic gadget that can connect to the internet, are privileged to have an access to unlimited information available on the web. Everyone is a student who can learn many things in the Information Age. The challenge is how to filter that vast information so that what comes into our minds are verified true and correct, particularly if they have something to do with important / critical / sensitive issues.

Since childhood I have been hungry for information and when I learned how to generate money at an early age, I used to subscribe to some leading newspapers and Reader's Digest. I am interested in current events and creativity of advertising agencies when they put their AIDA concept in print (get the attention, interest, desire and action of target buyers). Some of my roots were / are authors / writers and as such, it runs in my DNA. Writers read a lot to know more about life and their subject / s. 

To come up with a newspaper, printed or digital or both, there is always an investment in fixed and variable costs, so the publishers need money for that.

When I was the circulation manager, at the same time, columnist of a local newspaper (no internet yet that time), I closed some regular advertisers and reached many potential outlets to display the printed newspaper copies. Some transactions were done on ex-deal basis. We needed this or that, and we paid in number of copies, net of volume discount. (I remember when there was the launching of memorial park of which I was also a unit manager, and on a win-win basis, I closed that -- and the publisher got some lots. Scary to think, but yes, it did happen.)

With the digital trend, there must be lesser costs as it is paperless and substantial information can be obtained via online platforms, too, which means less moves and expenses. Getting online advertisers will be easier as one click can reach a wider target market.

I am wondering why some leading online publications require online subscription fees particularly for articles that will create a massive impact and will help humanity greatly by giving the right information. Leading publications do have a reputation of reporting verified information, so less (if not totally zero) fake news.

I am disappointed when a local newspaper (I used to subscribe to it before - printed edition) began to block some interesting articles for non-subscribers. If other leading newspapers can offer their information services for free through the help of paid advertisers, I think the more they can do such.

It is disappointing to click the image or title related to an article then after clicking it will say that it is for paid subscribers only. At least there should be a separate section for paid subscribers, or show a little label near the title that it is for paid subscribers only.

If an information is very important and I am a paid subscriber desiring to share the link to my family members and friends who are not subscribers, how can they read it?

If they allow free subscribers to read their articles, it will increase as to the number of unique visits / hits / clicks, which we call 'reach' -- and that is important to paid advertisers.

These days that we still feel the negative impact of the pandemic, every fil / centavo matters and we prioritize the essentials for daily survival.

But information is also an essential thing. The verified truth on information is much, much essential. 

Barbara Boxer said, 

I think we need to get back to truth-based news. It won't be easy, but we better do it because otherwise we're not acting on information.

The challenge is how can the players provide such for free to humanity. How can their creative minds create something that will feed the minds hungry for verified true information online?

Not everyone is banked. Not everyone has the debit or credit card. Not everyone has the money to get a paid a subscription for online news -- stomach first, foods first.

I passionately mine information online based on my interests as it helps sustain my brains. I am challenged to mine deeper, for true information, on free online platforms. 


How to Spot Fake News


Image credits : Pixabay / Mohamed_Hassan


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