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My Thoughts as UAE Will Turn 50


It is great to witness a great milestone in the history of a nation -- United Arab Emirates. Imagine being in the Land of Opportunities, in the City of Gold, as it turns 50 in just few days, on 2 December 2021 (Thursday). 

I have been here for more than 15 years. Life has its ups and downs, but to survive all and remain standing on a safe ground is something to be grateful for. The UAE ranks FIRST with 95% score in the  Gallup Global Law and Order 2021 report. This is a great attractor to investors, and yes, to families particularly for women. 

The picture I inserted here shows high-rise buildings that get through the fog, and seen above the clouds. Everybody and anybody can dream high here, and many people so far have reached the heights of success they have chased with great determination and enthusiasm.

Am toying the idea of 50 in my mind and here are my thoughts in random, and I will add more later, just to make the number more meaningful for me, personally, in my real and virtual worlds, and some what-if's. 

Personal-thingy ideas --

  1.  I will write a 50-page book that will be sold at AED5 each. 
  2. 50 is associated with illumination, ascension, transformation and metamorphosis so I will take the initial steps to do something great for personal freedom. 
  3. I will reread the Book of Genesis which has 50 chapters.
  4. My painting "Supermoon" I will promote. The moon is 50x smaller than the earth.
  5. Will create 50 craft items which I will sell for AED8 to close friends just to cover costs.
  6. 50 virtual candles will be sent to 50 people close to my heart 
  7. Will help host a financial literacy webinar with invited speakers (30 minutes each) open to at least 50 people.
  8. AED50 will be my 'wallet angel'.

Others (suggestions / ideas) --

  1. AED50 insurance card for basic health benefits good for one year -- that can be purchased via vending machine and supermarkets / grocery stores and other accredited resellers
  2. Affordable special golden visa for retirees 50 years old and above, with less requirements 
  3. 50 life skills courses -- free online
  4. Trade licenses that closed within 50 years to be opened for reactivation / renewal of former owner/s with lesser costs, considering new rules and other things that will help create a good business climate
  5. Creation of the core team of League of Business Consultants / Mentors (50 people) - to help recruit and train more business consultants, and create more businesses
  6. Free business packages for 50 people based on their interests
  7. At least 50% discount on fines ( like traffic fines )
  8. Raffle draws to create 50 ( AED1M ) millionaires -- AED50 raffle ticket cost 
I will passionately mark that great day and this great year with great excitement and commitment to do something great silently. I pray for this nation I call my second home, its leaders, residents, tourists and all the rest here.


Image Credits: Pixabay | laddhaashish20030 


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