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COVID-19 :: Digital Cooperation

The Digital Age opens our eyes to many things and makes our hands longer to reach whoever is in the other side of the world, as long as there is an internet connection. No time gap, no distance barrier. It makes us connected with each other.

We are considered to be privileged to be born to experience in our lifetime this great technology that has changed many lives and many things.

In the United Arab Emirates, immediately after the outset of the pandemic, the speed of the internet was doubled. It was in preparation for the work-from-home advice to company employees. Life went and goes on. There is a digital cooperation among those who are on WFH mode, their management, customers/clients and other stakeholders.

My social media page has been flooded with online webinars and fora, all leaving lessons for self-development and sometimes, entertainment. Common platforms are Zoom and Streamyard.

I hope that in the very near future voice and video platforms for WhatsApp, Skype and FB will be allowed here, to connect families (the foundation of society) better, as the elderly people find it easier to use those apps. In pandemic-hammered period, every fil counts, so it matters if we can save on clear and fast communication, which is very important. When we think of our future, we think of our families always. Visibility, even if remotely, makes a difference to let them feel our love and care, which everyone needs to feel happy.

It is but high time to understand better the value of digital cooperation to build ourselves, families, communities, and countries.

The Gulf News features a news about His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council, who delivered a keynote address on the launching of Roadmap for Digital Cooperation at a virtual high-level event of the United Nations. This is very timely and relevant. The commitment to be a bridge among communities of the world was emphasized by him. Likewise, he mentioned about harnessing the digital technology to serve the people and help create a better future for all.

It is very interesting to note that the the Crown Prince of Dubai expressed appreciation in the United Nation's important initiative for increased digital cooperation between governments. It gives us a bright hope that being a keen supporter of the UN, the country is open to international dialogues. He said that he believes that a nation "must not operate in isolation, that no country is better off in its own".

He said that in the last three (3) months, the country has witnessed historical 'tremendous challenges and vast progress' as well.

He acknowledged his father, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, who has invested in the past 20 years for today, enabling the government to continue operation 100%, but he also admitted with sincerity that there are also areas in the government, system or policy that need improvement.

The word is 'disruption'. Truly, we must prepare for the unseen disruptions that challenge our existence and reality. We must keep moving forward, without ignoring uncertainties -- that there will be unprecedented challenges and new conflicts, and yes, we cannot immediately see them in the real world, 'until after the damage is done'.

If you are in the UAE, feeling lonely, isolated, depressed, in darkness and in limbo, attacked by anxieties due to the current situation, you will find courage when you hear his keynote address. He said that this is the best time to 'build bigger, stronger and more resilient bridges' to connect the world. "We keep moving forward; we leave no one behind," he said.

Accelerating the efforts to connect nations, governments, private sectors and individuals via digital cooperation, will accelerate the progress of any task or project on hand. Things can be possible. What is supposedly to be done in three (3) years, can be done in three (3) months. It is possible.

There is wisdom in his thought process, indeed a model thinking, which reflects his emirate Dubai and country UAE's same direction, "Invest in a better future today".

Sheikh Hamdan emphasized the need to
Invest in what is to come, and not what is already here.
Definitely I will passionately monitor related news. I think that an accelerated digital cooperation among nations is a powerful carrier to an amazing destination. Likewise positive digital cooperation in our own circles, will do wonder.

Care to care to get digitally connected with your loved ones who are away from you, to brighten them with your love and peace.  Ignore them not while you and they still breathe. Charity begins at home. In whatever way you can cooperate with them remotely via digital technology, find way to do so. In whatever way you can 'invest in what to come' altogether,  have the initiative, courage and creativity to have the meeting of the minds via e-meeting platforms.


Image credits:  Pixabay / Geralt


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