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COVID-19 :: Working from Home

Except for the employees employed at the supermarkets and pharmacies, the rest in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) working force are instructed to work from home, be they in the government or public sector. This is to flatten the COVID-19 curve.  The remote working is at least for two (2) weeks, starting 29 March 2020, Sunday. (Read more here.)

Other categories excluded are those in energy, communications, health, education, security, police, postal service, military, construction projects, banking and finance, FNB, airports and petrol stations.

If there are employees required to work in the office, they must not exceed 30% of the total number.

Other companies have started requiring their employees to work at home even earlier after the outbreak, to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

We see the substantial reduction of vehicles on the road so air pollutants are somehow reduced. The residential electric and water consumption will be more, but for commercial establishments where work-from-home employees work, it will be less, for sure.

The internet speed will be slower as many will share in the common WiFi  but UAE's Etisalat subscribers got a free upgrade to double broadband speed, according to Gulf News.

Most shared accommodations have little spaces, with a typical bunk bed, a small table and a single cupboard. Those who work from home take the common spaces supposedly for all tenants, like the living room and balcony. They cannot concentrate 100% because of some noises around which are beyond control. Each must be sensitive to each other's needs in this very critical time. Everyone must adjust to and blend with each other with maximum tolerance.  For many employees, this workplace evolution is a sudden shift for brought by uncertainties due to coronavirus

With the restaurants and other dining places closed, and when the situation dictates that all must be very frugal, a kitchen is an important place where they prepare and cook their foods vital for their survival and mental health protection. Many people, when hungry, get hot-tempered easily. So when there are many people sharing in a flat or villa, they must also think that others get hungry, too, and they need to use the kitchen and must give way to them for some time.

I think there will be some huge changes in the style the residential buildings will be creatively planned by the engineers and interior designers, in such a way that spaces can be utilized for work-from-home activities.

The coronavirus pandemic leads to a recession as it paralyzes most economic activities. But since many people have tried working from home for some time, perhaps the government can enhance its virtual commercial licensing system that will cover not only non-residents but also those who are here already -- say, those whose visas are canceled due to slow business, those investors whose activities do not require an office (afterall, social distancing is encouraged) and can settle for a virtual one to reduce operational costs, and maybe tourists who want to test the waters in doing virtual jobs and change visa status inside the country.

Some video communication apps are allowed now -- so long as they are in business plans, but there are also some free ones with limited time and users. The challenge here is what about the majority who have no business and cannot afford to spend extra money for paid video apps?

The exchange of information in real-time is very vital as when you talk about life and death, every second matters. When my mother is sick, I am not content in just hearing her voice remotely. I told my family member that I want to see the video, not just the picture, so somehow I have a feel of what is really going on.

It makes a difference when employers communicate with their employees virtually via video platforms, or when partners and other company stakeholders hold video conferences, as facial reactions send messages to others.

Here are some useful links when you work from home --
  1. Working from home? 4 tips for staying productive
  2. How to Work From Home: 20 Tips From People Who Do It Successfully
  3. Staying Focused When You're Working From Home
  4. 5 Tips for Staying Productive and Mentally Healthy While You're Working From Home
  5. 5 WFH tips from a HR expert
  6. 10 Tips to Work From Home in a Coronavirus-Plagued World
  7. 10 Tips From CEOs on Working From Home Effectively and Happily
  8. 17 Important Tips For Anyone Who's Working From Home During The Coronavirus Outbreak
  9. 20 Tips When Working from Home
  10. 32 Working from Home Tips You Can Do Right Now
Passionately making a living from home in a coronavirus-challenged world, will change our perspective  and our choices in life.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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