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COVID 19 :: Self-Isolation / Quarantine

I saw a video of two (2) female tourists being quarantined when they arrived at the airport of an Asian country. The body thermal reading was at 37.5 °C so whatever plan they had to do the following days were put on halt. It was good one of them could understand the language of the country where they landed, otherwise, it would be very difficult for the other. What an ordeal for them, considering the stress of not moving freely and stress waiting for the results. Thanks God they were both tested negative to COVID-19.

Here, according to the waitress in the restaurant nearby, if your body temperature is 38°C , they will call the authorities and then proper medical test protocol will be done. So when you go out to the restaurant or mall that conducts body thermal scanning, just be ready if your body is hot. You will be picked up and would undergo all the medical procedures required to check if you are infected with killer novel coronavirus 2019. It is important that you have your ID, your mobile phone with load credits and your grab-to-go bag. Having close good friends and a community who can protect you and take care of you when there is an emergency will be great.

The World Health Organization (WHO) provides us with a downloadable document to "offer guidance to Member States on quarantine measures for individuals in the context of COVID-19. It is intended for those responsible for establishing local or national policy for quarantine of individuals, and adherence to infection prevention and control measures."  

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), all travelers from coronavirus pandemic outbreak zone must be put on self-isolation for a fortnight (14 days) and must follow all the orders of the authorities. (Read more here.) Violators will be punished. The offense is considered to be a crime, as it would mean carelessly spreading the disease and harming public health. The government banned travel of local people and suspended entry visas and visas-upon-arrival of people (except the diplomats) from 72 countries which took effect on Thursday, 19 March 2020, until further notice.

I am wondering -- if you are required to go on quarantine as you come from areas with coronavirus pandemic, will they put you to their designated quarantine area or to a place of your choice, say, home?

Assuming that within the quarantine period, you show symptoms such as runny nose, dry cough and fever, you will undergo a medical test (with throat and nasal swabs) and if found positive, then those who were near you will also be quarantined -- so it is just like the same. What if you are in a shared room? So would it not better if you will be quarantined in their designated area first, so if after a fortnight if you are tested negative you can go, and if not, you will be treated, without affecting others who could have been with you if you 'self-isolate' in 14 days? At this level, it will help flatten the curve. Maybe there will be a challenge as to space limitations because they will prioritize those who are already registered as positive cases and others that require urgent medical responses.

In the Philippines, there is a senator who was supposed to be on self-quarantine as he was in contact with a person later to be tested positive for coronavirus. Since his wife was about to give birth, he physically assisted her and was seen to be in hospital premises. He was tested to be COVID-19 positive so the hospital management, as well as the public, feel very bad about it.

By the way, what is the difference between self-isolation and quarantine?

According to, "Isolation and quarantine are public health practices used to protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease."

"Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.

"Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick. These people may have been exposed to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not show symptoms."

It is scary to be quarantined, yes; but one thing that would erase one's fear is the commitment of the government to take care of the sick. The UAE leaders assured the local residents that patients afflicted with coronavirus will be taken care of even if without insurance.

When we are confused as to word usage -- self-isolate and self-quarantine, consider both of them -- we self-isolate as we assume we are infected with the coronavirus so others will not get sick; and we go on self-quarantine to see if in a fortnight we become sick or not, because we do not know who among those we kept contact in the past, is/are infected with the coronavirus.

I passionately monitor news related to COVID-19. I am confident that the local authorities are doing their best to help curb this deadly novel coronavirus 2019.  We may have to sacrifice our freedom to move and do our things as they please us -- but after this, self-isolation and self-quarantine will be a part of the new normal in a major overhaul of the century, to protect ourselves and our loved ones.


Photo credits:  Pixabay (man sitting near the window)
Graphics: This blogger


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