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COVID-19 :: Protect Yourself

If you are away from your family, the basic reminder to self is always to protect yourself, not just for yourself, but for your loved ones. It is very difficult to get sick alone in this very challenging period.

Every person's basic defense center is his immune system so it is important to
  • Eat nutritious foods;
  • Avoid air pollutants;
  • Sleep well, and;
  • Don't be stressed.
There are advisories from the World Health Organization and local health authorities to 
  • Wash hands regularly, at least 20 seconds, with soap and water or use hand sanitizer;
  • Wear face masks and gloves, if necessary;
  • Keep a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters away from another person;
  • Avoid social gathering or crowd;
  • Eat foods rich in Vitamin C and take VCO (virgin coconut oil), and;
  • Stay home to help flatten the COVID-19 curve.
This coronavirus is the worst among our enemies because it is unseen and it wants to end humanity, so this must be taken very seriously with calm minds, otherwise, the anxieties will first eat us because it can kill us.

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the leaders are very responsive to this kind of threat. There are modern health facilities with cutting-edge advanced medical equipment, and top healthcare practitioners, doctors, nurses (caregivers) and medical technical staff recruited from different parts of the world and properly trained to handle epidemic and pandemic cases.

In every war,  the stomach must be filled in with the right foods and beverages so the brains will function well. In case something is wrong with the body, the medicines must be within reach.

These two (2) basic essentials are guaranteed to be in stock by the government, so people here are not in panic-buying mode. When you go to supermarkets and grocery stores, the shelves are well-stocked. Most pharmacies are open 24/7.  This way, the consumers do not go by flock to buy items they need and there is no hoarding, as far as I know.

The places are on lockdown and for violators, there are fines. Between 8PM to 6AM (extended to 5 April 2020) there is a curfew to heavily disinfect all public roads, transport facilities, etc. They utilize the latest technology in sanitizing all that they can reach so the public is strongly advised to stay home.

It is a matter of sacrifice of smaller circles in terms of individuals, families, businesses and communities because this is the only way to protect all, collectively. Sometimes other people do not understand this, thinking that they are gifted with superpowers and their immune system could be very strong to fight this horrible virus. They still get too close with friends, walking, sitting or having some fun together, without thinking that one of them may be the carrier.

We are in a shared accommodation. To protect myself in times like this, I usually stay in my room. When I go to the kitchen or balcony to hang or get my clothes, I normally wear my face mask. I clean our attached bathroom every single day.

Since childhood, I have always washed my hands and hand disinfectant (rubbing alcohol with 70% isopropyl alcohol) has been my regular buddy so these are not new to me. Now I also gargle a lot with Betadine mouthwash gargle, but after I finish my last bottle I will use warm water and salt.

People are told not to go outside, even for exercise. Just go outside the balcony,  and then come back to the house again.  I am thinking -- why this? Is something wrong with the air? If it is social distancing and nobody is outside so it must be safe. But the authorities know best when they strongly tell us something to do and not to do.  Not everything needs an outright explanation; we can just read between the lines, read more and know more.

The best thing to do is really to stay home and stay safe. In case a person is infected with COVID-19 and per tracing system, you are found to be near him/her and you will be quarantined for 14 days. Worse if you will be infected, too, you do not know if you can survive as many have died already. The worst thing? You will be alone, really alone, in your final days -- away from family and friends.

So passionately meditate to finetune your mind to this situation, and protect yourself the best way you can do.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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