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COVID-19 :: Flexibility in Uncertain Times

We must accept the fact that these are challenging days full of uncertainties. If you are used to programming your life in terms of advanced planning, now is the time to embrace flexibility and adjust your plans according to what is happening, parallel to realistic and practical assessment of the situation.. defines "flexibility" as the 'ability to change or be changed according to the situation'. This means the 'ability to bend or be bent without breaking'.

I love this -- without breaking. What holds you not to break yourself and lose your sanity? Your mind, your mindset, your calmness, your sanity, your will power -- these all will help to keep you whole.

Throughout my life, I have encountered many brutal storms that find a way to my nerves to break me completely. But I am a child of God, a warrior, with burning faith inside me. I protect my head, my brains, my mind. It is normal to feel mentally weak sometimes, but if you have experienced God's grace bigger than life itself, you will continue to keep going, no matter how worse the situation may be, no matter how you feel alone and isolated.

Sometimes I have this question -- Why a strong person like me experiences some very low moments and others who live ordinary lives -- wake up, work, sleep --  seem to live happy lives?  I want to do something different fuelled by creative ideas, that will benefit not only me. It is this compassion which most of the time left me empty. But I answer my own question -- It is part of my journey.

It happened fast. It is heartbreaking to see many people dying and in pain, many people losing their loved ones to this killer coronavirus. It is heartbreaking to wake up that you are trapped in a lockdown because it is needed, and you are away from your loved ones who need to be protected when you know all your life you want to be their protector.

Mental health is very important, and now the world is open to discussion related to mental health. It must be guarded and protected well. One must find creative ways to express himself/herself when someone or something wants to steal its peace and break its processing center.

It seems that God is telling me as I prefer to be alone in doing my things privately ('planting seeds' time), considering my situation and my limitations --  "Hey, child, now you are not alone in your self-isolation. You weep because you cannot travel far, and now all flights are stopped. In the past, you imagined many people, particularly mothers, working at home, and now it is a rule to stay home, work from home and violators will be fined."
I want to live a purpose-driven life, and I want to inspire other people who experience darkness in their lives, to always hang on, keep their faith, be very flexible and be super strong -- even if the whole world, including their own families, may misunderstand their choices.

To stay afloat in uncertain times, we have to choose among options available, not just imaginary, not out of hand. Every individual has a unique uncertain situation, and a different response to every situation according to how he/she has evolved. So nobody can judge anyone that he/she was/is wrong in his/her choices at the time it was/is selected.

I had a boss whose inconsistent actions I hated. I asked him, "Why are you changing your mind from time to time? There is no consistency."  That was 2007, a year away from recession.  He replied, "In my position, I must be flexible. Things here happen very fast. Today this is the rule, tomorrow or next week, it changes."

True. Other people may not well understand it and they will feel hurt when there are some changes as they think it is unfair, they are aggrieved and deprived of something that must be theirs -- without knowing that there is something more to understand, accept and embrace, so as to keep all breathing.

We hate all ugly things happening -- death, sickness, economic loss, limited mobility, etc. -- but we love the good side of it -- less pollution, healing of Mother Earth, more family time, valuing what matters most -- what is essential and not essential, thinking more and more on how to generate more streams of income to survive and grow in faith.

Flexibility means finding good things in a bad situation so it will not break you. It means considering options available to turn the crisis to opportunities. It may be difficult, but it can be imagined and visualized, and later -- no matter how long it takes as Rome cannot be built in one day -- the universe will unfold how life comes to it.

By now, all we can do is to flex our muscles, passionately move forward, and keep going. Stay safe!


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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