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COVID-19 :: Please Protect Our Frontliners

Now more than ever we realize the value of our healthcare practitioners and other frontliners in the war against COVID-19. They are our heroes and they deserve our heartfelt thanks, prayers and whatever support we can extend to them. Each of them has a family, too, but they leave them, risking their lives to save others'.

There are many fallen heroes because of this coronavirus outbreak. They fought a good fight but their remains cannot be buried in the cemeteries as they will be immediately cremated. While being treated and until their last breath, they could not see their loved ones. What a painful way to die...

The government must extend full support to them in terms of attractive salaries, hazard pay,  accommodation, high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE), foods/fruits basket and others.

There must be reserve staff, like in military reinforcement, in case they get weak or sick so they can recharge their energy and recover fully. They must not be abused just because they stand committed according to their oath to their profession. They need rest and sleep because when there is a pandemic the stress is too much, and stress is a silent killer.

There is no coronavirus vaccine yet to protect them but every single day they are exposed to risks. Those ordinary people who got close to a single person under investigation undergo a medical test and put to quarantine. Our medical frontliners have close contact with many patients every day so how can they protect themselves from many potential threats or attacks of viruses? Are PPEs enough to protect them when in fact we know that many doctors and nurses died despite wearing those items?

While the government pushes for social distancing, many of our frontliners reach out to the communities, particularly the crowded areas, to conduct medical tests. They go door-to-door or building-to-building.

My fear here is what about if they catch the coronavirus in the field and later they themselves will be the carriers because they do not undergo medical tests with quick results after their regular tour of duty?

I think it will be wise for them not to go inside the flats / villas / buildings which are densely populated, and not disinfected.

There must be a designated area with a decontamination chamber wherein people must go first prior to medical testing to protect our frontliners. If they go to highly populated areas that are not even disinfected, it is like exposing themselves to more harms. The hospitals and clinics must also have decontamination chambers and hand wash stations (sink with water, soap, sanitizer and hand dryer) near the entrance.

 A strong urgent call for all medical and allied course graduates and undergraduates to register as reserve staff will greatly help. There are many job mismatches because in a tough situation, majority of them will rather do something that will help pay their bills, than wait for the right job opportunity that would best fit them according to their qualifications. Our frontliners need relievers when they need to take a rest.

I always told my children, "Buhay Bago Bagay" -- "Life First BeforeThings" or "Life Over Things".

Every single life is important. Those who can help save lives must be valued highly. One of those lives may be that of a farmer, a Hollywood celebrity, a prime minister, a prince, or another doctor, or your loved one.

All of us can passionately minimize their burden by protecting our own selves and our families, by staying home, washing our hands always, avoiding social gatherings, and taking other necessary precautionary measures to help curb COVID-19.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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