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When Borders Close

With the novel coronavirus 2019 outbreak, some countries close their borders to certain groups of people to protect their own territories and citizens.

According to, "Italy imposes draconian rules to stop the spread of coronavirus. People caught entering or leaving outbreak areas are to be fined, after the country's third death." The number of virus cases which started in Lombardy, Crema, was 152, it says, as of writing.

Many residents were advised to stay at home and avoid social contact. Some events like Venice carnival, football and other festivities, were canceled. Schools, shops and businesses in locked-down areas have to close for some time.

For face/surgical masks, people have to fall in a long line. One man said that for four sandwiches, they had to fight and it was 'disgusting'.

The challenge, first and foremost, is how to survive, every single day, amidst virus fears.

In countries affected by COVID-19, access to healthy foods and beverages and healthcare services must be easy, quick and affordable. Likewise, there must be reforms in health and life insurance coverage.

The huge responsibility is on the shoulders of healthcare practitioners. They require full government support and human reinforcement/backup. They need physical stamina, emotional strength and prayers to take care of the sick.

The medical scientists must be provided with what they need in their medical research and development to beat this monstrous novel coronavirus 2019.

In times like this, people in ground zero as well as those in other areas but wrapped with virus scare, will resort to online purchases of what they need most so those in logistics particularly the delivery boys must be fully protected. Delivery drones can replace manpower but many consumers will prefer to receive good/s from a human being.

The communication system must be safeguarded as every second really counts to save a life. Video chat platforms must be made available and free to all to see what is going on with our families, close relatives and friends. Some doctors utilize video conferencing to treat their patients remotely. Cyberdata must be secured at a high level so the authorities will base their recommended solutions to the problems on facts from reliable sources.

The government must encourage entrepreneurship among individuals and groups, relax some rules on business setting up, and renewal, investor visa, and flexible jobs to offset losses in other industries.

Passionately managing emotions is very important as COVID-19 impact can really break one's heart.

Let's stay strong and increase our faith in God.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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