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How Can We Defeat Coronavirus 2019-nCov?

As of writing date and local time (8 February 2020, 11:43AM UTC+4:00) Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE online shows the following figures:
  • Total confirmed cases: 34,917
  • Total deaths:  724
  • Total recovered: 2,152
The clock is ticking. The whole world monitors what development is going on, hoping this will stop soon. The killer 2019 novel coronavirus has adversely affected not only the health of the affected people and the ones providing them with their needed healthcare services but also other aspects of life like economic and political.

This is my first time in my entire life that I have viewed stories on virus scare in zero ground as if I were watching a movie about end times. It is indeed a Goliath challenge for China to contain, manage and stop it from there alone.

The virus is airborne so it takes only one host/carrier to transfer it to thousands of people very quickly, particularly in a world with very fast movement.

I see many people wearing surgical and N95 masks around. Last week I was able to buy a box of 2-ply disposable face masks (50 pieces) at AED20. Last night, in a mall pharmacy,  the Filipino staff told me that they ran out of stock.  Many Kabayans buy 70% isopropyl alcohol/solution, an antiseptic disinfectant and hand sanitizer.

It was Friday yesterday but the Asian restaurant I used to go to had only seven (7) customers, all Filipinos. There was a Chinese man (unmasked) who came and ordered 'lomi'.  All Filipino customers were calm and showed him that he was not being scared of.  It was a day-off for many but maybe most people preferred to stay in their flats and avoid crowded places in taking extra precautions.

On eating,  it makes sense to go vegan these days. I have read that viruses came from animals (bats, rats, snakes, pigs, camels, etc.) and transmitted to a human, then human to human. So better choose plant-based foods and beverages. When we buy raw ingredients from the supermarket, the item packaging normally contains information on the place of origin. If we cook foods ourselves, we save money and we are sure we cook them with hygienic standards.

I am not a healthcare practitioner. I am not a scientist. I am an ordinary woman but like everybody else, I am thinking of how to protect my life, my family members', those whom I love dearly, and the rest of the world actually, from this coronavirus 2019. Sounds heroic but I think most of us all do.

What are the preventive measures so as not to be inflicted with this 2019-nCoV?
OK, so we are told to wear face/surgical masks. But they are running out of stock. Many people in the affected territories have to fall in line for many hours to buy a limited number of face masks. In the Philippines, I read that vendors would be allowed to increase the price and there would be planned distribution with limited quantity.

If big hospitals in Wuhan can be built in 10 days, I am wondering why the production of face masks can't be taught and made in nearby safe areas or countries so that shipment of products to meet the needs of the consumers will be faster than sourcing from far countries.

The face mask patterns can be printed and people can stitch or sew them by using sewing machines so they can use them to save on costs and lessen garbage materials. But if the masks catch some viruses then they are there and it's not good to wash and reuse them.

Are surgical/face masks enough?

There should be massive production of alcohol 70% solution/antiseptic disinfectant and hand sanitizer. I think it will be good if there are refilling stations in many places. People are strongly advised to wash and sanitize their hands always because virus transmission from human to human is by hands and air.

Restaurants/dining companies must provide free hand sanitizer and yes, disposable spoons and forks and cups for hygienic purposes. I saw hand sanitizers on counters near the cashiers in Jollibee Al Ghurair Centre even before this coronavirus outbreak. Golden Fork restaurant provides hot sanitized white towels before and after customers eat.

If this monster coronavirus is airborne, perhaps we can do something for our indoor air. I watched some video clips of some people spraying something inside the airplane or around the plane passengers' bodies after their feet got on the ground. So what if we do the same in our own premises? My friend gave me a Dettol disinfectant spray that 'can kill viruses' so I tried spraying around.

There is this Lampberger burner that helps purify the air. I have two (2) LB burners which I left in the Philippines. Will it help? Can DIY (do-it-yourself) solution (alcohol 90% isopropyl solution + preferred scent/s) be an alternative fuel? The related website says --

"The Lampe Berger was the creation of Maurice Berger in the 1890s. The lamp uses the process of catalytic combustion to purify the surrounding air as it burns. Fuel consisting of fragrance mixed with an isopropyl alcohol base heat and diffuses into the surrounding air, bonding at the molecular level with odor-causing impurities and turning them to harmless water and carbon dioxide. The Lampe Berger works like an ordinary oil lamp and requires nothing more than the right fuel and a match to significantly improve the smell and purity of the air in a room."

Will other air purifiers help? In a place where there are many shared spaces (villas and flats) and hotels that change guests from time to time, it makes sense to have an effective air purifier as we do not know who is infectious or not.

We must boost our immune system as it is our body's defense center. Sleep well. Avoid stress as it is a silent killer. Avoid air pollutants. Eat wholesome healthy foods.

(I think immunology must be included in the curriculum for all levels of education --  primary, secondary and tertiary -- so everyone will have a better understanding of how to build and develop his own physiological defense center.)

Speaking of air pollutants, we know that many countries import huge quantities of items from China. Their manufacturing companies emit air pollutants that may weaken their immune system. When things happen like this, we ask -- is this worth it all the 'progress' they want to achieve?

It is time also to have indoor and outdoor trees and engage in planting more trees. According to Science Focus online, "Trees release oxygen when they use energy from sunlight to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water."

In case you get sick and you feel you catch coronavirus (symptoms: cough, fever and difficulty in breathing), quickly ask for medical help.

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), if one is afflicted with coronavirus 2019-nCoV, he gets a free treatment, and no insurance is required.  (Read more here.) This generous move is really very timely and needed. With the modern facilities in the hospitals and best medical staff from different parts of the world, this medical issue will be handled with maximum care.

With the help of the internet, we get aware of how to prevent catching this deadly virus. Be calm and do not panic. Check the sources of information if reliable or not.

Better still, passionately make it sure to follow the World Health Organization (WHO) advisory.

Let's pray for report transparency from all health authorities in the world and security of related epidemiological data so the global scientists and key players can act collectively and properly based on available information. It is not just about China and Chinese. It is about the world and humanity. Everybody must do his part to defeat coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

An Arabian proverb says,
He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.
Let's take extra care of ourselves and hope that this will be over soon.

Photo credits:  Pixabay


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