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I Miss Beth

I really miss Beth. She calls me "'Nay" which is a short Filipino (Tagalog) word for 'Inay' or 'mother' or "Mommy". She must be in her late 20's or early 30's, truly beautiful inside and out. I never saw her angry. She always had that contagious innocent smile.

Beth and her husband were just a wall away from me in a shared flat a few years ago. She was in sales promoting some foods and beverages. When there were giveaways from her company, she would surprise me with some sample products. I could not forget how sweet Beth prepared the best chai I have ever tasted so far. She shared with me the list of ingredients and the ways to do it.

I also tasted some of their delicious foods cooked with love in their hearts. They shared the works of their hands not because they wanted to be liked but because they liked to share the joy of being blessed with others; not because they wanted something from me in return, but simply because they wanted to show they cared.

Back then, they were simple people who loved a quiet life. They talked with genuine sincerity. The husband did not socialize much as others did, used to stay in their room to take a rest after a tiring day, watched movies online and would come out only to take off for work, cook, eat and do the laundry when Beth was not around. I was honored that they shared some stories about life with me. Not even once did I feel pricked when we had conversations.

They had their electric kettle in their room, and I had, too, and there was no problem at all whenever (any time of the day or night) we wanted to boil water when we starved for a cup of coffee or tea.

The best way to handle 'noises' like that of boiling water -- not anyway whistling and will not take 5 minutes to reach the boiling point -- is to think of worse noises that are beyond control, but necessary, as something to drink is necessary for human survival. One of these is the noises in the building being constructed near your place. You do not want to hear the loud noises but you cannot do anything about it except to insert earplugs into your ears. The only question that comes to your mind at night time is:  "When this will be finished?" and day time you check the signboard if it shows the completion time, with a glance at the actual progress of the project. It is good that there are many fabricated parts so it makes the contractor's works easier and faster.

We shared a common hallway with tape markings covering electric wiring as to our boundaries, but both she and her husband would tell me if I needed more space I could take a part of theirs and would offer their help if I needed to move something. When you are away from your family, this really means a lot!

We parted ways but from time to time we keep in touch, and we never forget to say that we miss each other. Good memories make us smile and they wash away the pains we feel in our hearts.

To remember Beth is to ponder on daisy chains and tolerance. In life, to have peace in its truest sense with yourself and with your neighbors, there must be a compromise between them and yours -- not theirs alone, not yours alone.

Andy Warhol's lines are impactful, as we all need transformation to improve the way we deal with other people. He said,
Human beings are born solitary, but everywhere they are in chains -- daisy chains -- of interactivity. Social actions are makeshift forms, often courageous, sometimes ridiculous, always strange. And in a way, every social action is a negotiation, a compromise between 'his,' 'her' or 'their' wish and yours.
Indeed we are all in daisy chains of interactivity. We are all social beings and a silent compromise must always be there -- that no screaming nor shouting is needed to hear the messages of tolerance loud and clear.

Let no man/woman be mocked nor humiliated just because someone does not want a compromise for selfishness' sake, or someone simply wants to influence all with arrogance and dominance as a cloak.

In a shared residential space, you do not say, "I will wash my clothes on the day and at the time I want, and I don't care at all" if there are others who are supposed to use the washing machine at a certain time. Or you do not take much of the space and time in the kitchen as others have to cook and eat, too, because most of us have the same body clock that sends a signal when we get hungry.

Never did I see Beth and her husband stepping on other's rights to get their way. Respect was always there -- no need to prove that you earn it or not, to be respected, but simply because you are a human being and you deserve respect.

Respect creates ripples of positive actions, both to the giver and the receiver.

Respecting elder people is biblical. Leviticus 19 : 32 NIV --
Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.
Whenever I saw Beth's politeness and respect particularly for the elderly, it mirrored how she was raised by her parents, particularly her mother. The sight of her and her actions are beautiful and one will feel good being with her.

The memorable good experiences will always be remembered, and never be forgotten by someone who loves writing. I may die, but this blog will not, so long as Blogger is around for free. (Huge thanks to the team behind it!)

'Beth' means 'house of God'. The meaning, whatever it is, is in her.  'Bethesda', 'house of grace'. 'Beth-shemesh', 'house of the sun'. (Read more here.)

May we all passionately manage well the house of God in us.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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