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Why Noise Control Matters

It was New Year's Eve a few years ago. Many people were shouting, screaming, dancing, throwing powders of different colors, banging casserole lids, and making loud noises to greet the coming year. Suddenly there was a police patrol car coming, and they were advised by the cops to 'control their noises'.

Wikipedia defines 'noise control' or 'noise mitigation' as a 'set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to reduce the impact of that noise, whether outdoors or indoors'.  Furthermore, it says that 'noise has been associated with important cardiovascular health problems particularly hypertension. Noise levels of 50 dB (A) at night may also increase the risk of myocardial infarction by chronically elevating cortisol production.' (Read more here.)

Many of us do not care at all if the noises we make disturb other people at rest or focusing on something. Many times I got disturbed by unwanted noises, which in the Year of Tolerance, I want to tolerate -- but until 12 midnight only. I heard some people yelling and laughing loudly or singing with highly amplified sound, even at unholy hours of the night. I also sing, but at the right place and time.

There is nothing wrong in having bonding moments, entertain others and be entertained. Those are social activities that we need to have a work-life balance and be happy. But we need to respect other people. Residential buildings here do not have the wall baffles for soundproofing. The only way a noise receiver can handle it is by wearing personal protective accessories like earplugs or earmuffs.

I am writing a book which I need to self-publish and launch in September or October this year. I just sit on my bed in front of my laptop, listening to my own voice, shutting down my ears and stretching my mental capacity so that tiny voice in me, guiding me what to write about, will not be drowned by others' noises.

For me, the essence of life can be felt and found in silence, in contemplation, meditation, connecting with the soul. It is my way of self-preservation. In the noisy world, somehow, my silence while writing or painting helps keep the balancing scale work and will never be understood by many others except those like-minded ones, but theirs (many others') must be understood and I do -- but at least there must be a point where to meet, where respect is respected.  They know good manners and right conduct, but awareness is not enough. Respect and empathy must be there. There are people who love to make noises as another way of bullying to show dominant social power. They believe that they have the right and freedom to do so. wrote,
It is very necessary to reduce the level of noise pollution in order to reduce the hearing disorders and continue the healthy life on the earth.
Passionately make it a point not to be mean by respecting other people's need for silence and rest, especially if you do not own the place and/or you have neighbors.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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