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Go High Over Bullies

In the past, a flatmate told me about a horrible experience of a man who almost lost his mind thinking that he was the subject of fun and bullying of others, then banged his head on the glass wall. It was a devastating experience for him that almost did cost him his life. She narrated how she got nervous when she saw the blood squirt. He survived it, by God's grace.

It really happens. That hatred, big hatred, is a monster. How many untold stories are there because of cruel bullying? Where is compassion?

That was that one-against-all feeling. If you are emotionally weak or if the bullying stress is too much to bear even if you are strong, you will reach your boundary line or do something that is not expected of you to do.

There are cruel adult bullies who will not only make you feel that but will arrogantly tell you that you are alone, you are hated by the group, nobody likes you, and will attach with your name all the worst labels in the world.

Many bullies have mastered cunning (a skill in achieving one's end by deceit) perfectly well and "hide behind masks of authority, superior knowledge, money or other type of power."

There are those who fantasize of a show they want to see -- fight, or whatever, and they will mastermind the scenes like they were the scriptwriters and directors, and/or as actors playing the role of lead characters and/or mere viewers finding joy when someone is upset or others are in trouble.

They are mostly those who have ugly past and bad upbringing, and they want a contagion effect of whatever bitterness they feel inside. They will not stop bullying until they see the person they isolate has his spirit vanishing, moving out in distress, or dying.

Being a victim of bullying, be childhood or adult bullying, can be a horrible experience. It affects a person's life even if it is over and the bullies have moved to another victim. If you experienced or are experiencing being bullied, have a mindset not to let this in in your system.

Heather Brewer is correct --
Bullying is a horrible thing. It sticks with you forever. It poisons you. But only if you let it.
Repeat for emphasis:  "But only if you let it. But only if you let it. But only if you let it."

It matters to understand bullies for whatever source they draw their anger from. But it matters more to protect yourself. Bullies always have the tendency to hurt their victims in whatever way they can. They brainwash others to believe in them as good people, and the person being bullied, bad, with all the lies and dramas. They are "cloaked in the most plausible of disguises". They invite others, usually those who have problems or of inferior personality easy to manage and plant seeds of hatred in.

Some bullies envy you for what you have got that they do not have, and cannot have, ever, particularly if what you have are not material things which one can easily acquire. You've got talents or whatever that they cannot get or buy.

I love Taylor Swift's line, which is exactly what a bully victim must do --
If they don't like you  for being yourself, be yourself even more.
You may not know it, but if you have the potential, you are the cruel bullies' target.

God-fearing mature people will love it when they find people with potential and they want to be surrounded by like-minded people -- and those cruel bullies are their opposite.

Wayne Gerard Trotman is true. He wrote, "People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not."

What must you do if you are the target of adult bullies?

Muster all your strength and have the warrior's mindset. Be calm and still. Just think that 'this too shall pass'. Pray and believe that God does not sleep.

Do not feel depressed. The battle is in the mind. Even in isolation, you can have the strength of them all combined and more. Do not engage in a physical fight as one or more of you may get injured or killed out of extreme anger.

Manage your emotions as cruelty (bullies' pleasure in inflicting suffering upon you) finds a way to express itself. You may express it to an innocent family member or co-worker or a supermarket cashier, your pet, or even yourself. Never, never, never injure yourself. Never, never, never commit suicide.

Write a journal about bullying -- who, where, what, when and how details. Talk to a trusted person and share your experiences.

We can help create a cruelty-free environment by being mentally strong at the highest level, so those bullies have no way to get into us. Remember: Those bullies hate themselves. Love yourself and never get a ride with them.

Dan Pearce said, "People who love themselves, don't hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer."

I want to passionately Michelle (if Michelle can be a verb for this purpose), as former US First Lady Michelle Obama advised the bullied people --
We explain when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you do not stoop to their level. Our motto is when they go low, you go high.
Yes, go high, love yourself even more. It can heal the deepest unseen wounds in you. Spread love. Do not let in the hatred planted and passed unto others by the cruel bullies. Love is light to carry and you feel an indescribable joy in sharing it.

Somaly Mam has this to say:  "I strongly believe that love is the answer and that it can mend even the deepest unseen wounds. Love can heal, love can console, love can strengthen, and yes love can make a change."

When they go low with hatred, go high with love.


Photo credits: Pixabay


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