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Socko, Mayor Isko!

Socko, Mayor Isko Moreno, the newly elected mayor of Manila, the capital city of the Republic of the Philippines!

Not only many Filipinos are impressed by his ways of remaking Manila but also foreigners. Within the short span of performing his duties and responsibilities after taking his oath as the new leader of the historic city, Mayor Isko showed that it is possible to rise from rags to power and privilege with an opportunity to serve his country.

In my younger days, I remember him to be one of the good looking promising actors, taken care of then very popular TV host German Moreno. During and after the elections, I came to know more about him and indeed I must say that politicians must emulate him.

Rappler has this Rappler Talk video on an interview on Mayor Isko's "Remaking of Manila" --

When he was just starting in his political career, he was always questioned as to his educational attainment. He got very hungry to learn more about the field he had chosen to give his best self and shine -- public service.

When a former poor boy who grew up in an unhealthy environment dreams and is challenged to encounter his destiny, we see a very resilient leader whose inspiration comes from the mindset that he would not die that way. He would have a firm resolve that his children would not experience the same poverty that brought him pains and rejections, and that he would do whatever it takes to change the lives of the people who can be reached by his hands.

To be rejected and to be challenged on the issue of education made him very hungry to learn more silently, and over time, he finished many courses related to laws, leadership, public service, and management not only in the Philippines but in the United States.

When time is by your side, indeed you must do whatever it takes to equip yourself with the right tools a warrior must have -- the basic and advanced knowledge, the right skills in fighting to win and the battle gear. Preparation is always the key.

As far as I know, he already started the drives to clean Manila streets with a program for the affected vendors who would be asked to relocate in a better place to continue their businesses. He also has a plan to bring back nutribans (which in our elementary days we were fed by the government) for the young children to eat while in school. On the war against drugs, he supports President Rodrigo Duterte to have drug-free city but he wants a due process for the alleged people involved in the trade.

This morning, an article on his order to give job opportunities to PWDs (people with disabilities) and senior citizens as service crew in the food chains, came to my social media feed. I think this is very timely and necessary so that they will be productive and live dignified lives by not depending too much on the family members' help to survive. This will also help them to spend for their health and life insurance, perhaps those with a return of premium (ROP),  in addition to the basic government packages extended to them.

It will help the economy because more disposable income will increase the consumption of foods and services being marketed by the vendors. The expenditures on illnesses will also reduce because many illnesses came from poverty -- that's why it is true that 'wealth is health'. The mere thought that you cannot pay your month-end bills because nothing is in the pocket and wallet, give a ton of stress, and we know that stress is a silent killer. There will be less hungry homeless people and beggars. The millennials will not complain of being in a sandwiched generation.

Not everyone can be as brilliant, rich and famous as Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to reach the moon and other planets as alternative destinations for future generations. But we have got one Earth now in our lifetime which we can protect and save. If all of us would care enough for the places and people within our reach, we can do something. Mayor Isko, with the people mandate given to him, is leading this in his city. I would love to see more of his programs related to climate change -- cleaning the waters (seas and rivers), planting more trees and taking care of the forests, and preserving/enriching our culture and heritage. I am very happy to hear that my favorite servant leader, former DILG (Department of Interior Local Government) Rafael 'Raffy' Moreno Alunan III was given a major role in tree planting. I am sure he can do a lot more than we can imagine.

Our beloved Manila he will rebuild back to its old glory can definitely be a model in the remaking of a city. I hope that his predecessors would join him in his programs, suggest things if they see him wrong in some of his moves, be one with him in his intent to make things better for Manila, and be proud that from them and with them, this man learned a lot and rises.  Despite differences in opinions and beliefs, there must be a common ground for them. This is the right opportunity to be together and unite for a noble cause.

Tom Perez said,
The best way to promote and protect opportunity is through collaboration, consensus-building and pragmatic problem-solving.  Throughout nearly 30 years in public service, I have approached tough challenges by making room for as many people as possible around the table in  search of a common ground.
Congratulations, Manila Mayor Francisco 'Isko' Moreno Domagoso! May you be more passionately motivated to dedicate yourself to public service as your constituents' voice and leader.


Photo credits:  Pixabay
Video credits:  Youtube & Rappler


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