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So You Want a Za?

'Za' is a slang word for 'pizza'. When you play scrabble and you get a 'z' tile you always look not only for the TL box which means triple point value of 10, but you also look for the letter 'a'. Many players know 'za'  but they do not know that is is a clipped word for 'pizza'.

My beloved niece who works in a call center of a food and beverages holdings company usually invited me to dine in a pizza house here, where she got something like 20% employee discount for purchases.

She is the type of person who wants to be 100% familiar with what she sells in the real world and via BPO (business processing office), so she can talk from the mind and heart. It is amazing to know that she is familiar with all the ingredients combinations. When there are new products not even fully promoted in the stores but are discussed in their meetings, she would be the first to order to have a taste of them.  Being a baking enthusiast, she knows when the dough is fresh and properly baked. Sometimes when we could not eat all, we brought home the leftovers. You know when the dough is good when after some hours and you reheat the pizza, it still has that crisp.

Some ready-to-heat pizza pies can be bought from the supermarkets but many of them have been displayed there with the shelf life period so we cannot expect fresh ingredients, unlike in pizza parlors as you can taste the freshness particularly in vegetables.

Many busy people are satisfied with pizza pies as their only meal for the day, as everything is there, depending on toppings choice. There are those who eat two (2) slices of thin crust pizza like a sandwich.

I see many families indulging in pizzas, smiling and laughing, not looking at their mobile phones. What a delight to look at them! In a chaotic world, it is a big thing to see people happily united over a plate of pizza pie, warming them up. Many friends host pizza parties at home. The pizzas are delivered directly to their doorsteps after ordering online or via phone. They cut loose after heavy grinds in the day, slowing down in life, enjoying their moments.

 It is a simple pleasure eating pizza together, but it means a lot -- love and attention -- which in the whole universe we all need.

If you are in a Gulf country, there is a Mediterranean flavor in each bite, which can be one's favorite indulgence. Nothing beats it.

Tiger Woods said,
And I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza.
Nick Jonas is a pizza lover, too. His words -- "I love pizza; you can't really go wrong with pizza."  

The pizza business thrives in a place where there are many sharing accommodations as people,  most often than not, are tired to cook and/or the kitchen is small for all to use at the same time. So they forget the deep dish. Pizza is the best quick meal for them.

Henry Rollins has this inspiring line --
Pizza makes me think that anything is possible.
Well, go to a pizzeria, grab a slice of pizza then, and say repeatedly, "Anything is possible. Anything is possible. Anything is possible."

Life is most of the times unfair, so they say.  Is it possible that it can be fair when it is unfair and you find it beyond control? Think of the dough -- it can be tossed by you, by somebody else, or by divine intervention.

If I would have a za right now, I would passionately make everyone around me to have a taste of it.  Nobody would silently crave for it. It is a metaphor.  In an unfair world, it means a fair share for all.

Anything is possible. Barbecue (BBQ) whatever on pizza is possible, and incredibly delicious. Nothing can go wrong with it, yes? Chicken BBQ with some Mediterranean ingredients will always be my choice. What is yours?


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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