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On Personal Branding

Today in history, 1932, according to,  Italian Enzo Ferrari retired from racing and in 1950, at 52 years old, he launched a series of cars under his name. 

Everybody knows the global brand 'Ferrari' -- it symbolizes luxury everyone dreams of, extraordinary speed and unquestionable durability of cars. "It is the most famous automaker in the world," says

On 14 August 1988, Enzo died at the age of 90, but he left his mark, and his name lives.

"Ferrari became the first Formula 1 team to achieve the result of one hundred victories in the Grand Prix," per,

Ferrari's very expensive cars are not the only source of revenues for the company. We can see the Prancing Horse logo in many items like clothes, apparels, sports goods, toys, perfumes, etc.

In 2010, the World of Ferrari was built in Abu Dhabi, the capital emirate of United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is a themed park -- a Ferrari World blended with attractors of Disney World Park.

Dave Buck said, "Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something -- to create something or help others in some way(s). The question is, how can you set up our life and work so that you can do it? The answer lies in your brand. When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand -- which you deliver."

If you are an entrepreneur and you want a business with your name on it, think very carefully. Listen to your inner voice -- what you want to do in life, what legacy you want to leave behind on top of your business, and how you can protect your business and all stakeholders as your name is there. Whatever products or service you deliver to customers or clients, it will reflect you, your distinctive values, mission and vision, and your brand commitment.

In life, there are some preparations required to build a name, and one must work very hard. The universe will cooperate eventually when we stand strong amidst life's storms. These days and the decades to come, there will be more difficult challenges but first and foremost, our mental health must be preserved.

My friend, an authentic artist, partnered with another entrepreneur in the past. Long story short, he was dumped and it was a very traumatic experience for him. He continued doing what was close to his heart -- anything creative. He rendered some services on an on-call basis to survive, performed on stage singing while painting, gave delight to many people for sketching their faces using color pencils, participated in many arts-related events, and more. And finally, everything was rewarded. He was able to raise funds from selling his artworks and was able to set up a business with the help of some close friends who believed in his talents and who trusted him. Now he aggressively promotes his own personal brand. The business name shows his first and last name.

Dan Schawbel believes that
Your personal brand serves as your best protection against business factors you can't control.
In this challenging period, it is very true.

There is this Razon of Guagua restaurant. The personal brand brings with it not only the family name, but also the place of origin of the business founder/owner, Guagua, Pampanga in the Philippines, and it has a branch now in Dubai, UAE. It is famous for its halohalo. I will taste it one of these days.

Many businessmen brand their products after their names. For one, "Adidas was named after owner Adolf Dassler whose nickname was Adi. Adi Dassler became Adidas," as shown in

According to Wikipedia, "Product naming is considered a critical part of the branding process."

This is a great reminder, worded by Dr. Sarah David --
Personal branding is all about your unique promise of value and what you bring to the table. It's (also) about getting your potential clients to choose you as the only solution  to their problem.
Personal branding is about passionately managing our names, whether we own the business or a part of it as an employee, consultant or whatever we are called. Sometimes when things fall apart we get weak with many challenges, but it is a part of the life process. Heroes are made not within the comfort of homes, but because they rise strongly above the storms and defeat opponents, and then they are known for their authentic values and the unique solutions to solve a problem/s behind the name.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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