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Praying for World Peace

I Google-searched the phrase 'world conflicts' and it showed about 147,000,000 results in 0.61 seconds as of this writing, 21 May 2019 (1515H).  Then I did the same with the phrase 'world peace' and I got the figure of 1,420,000,000 results in 0.63 seconds. Conflicts as to peace is 1 is to 10, roughly, on web search results based on this.

In reality, even if a certain so-called world conflict issue is just one (1) of ten, it can possibly annihilate the whole world considering the artificial intelligence thing.  There is no need for thousands of troops to protect a group of people, animals, places and properties. Just a button press and #$%@*! We must never forget the lessons learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.  (See CNN article and photos.)

Yesterday my friend and I were discussing a certain travel advisory because of some regional conflicts.  I told her about my prayer for the situation not to get worse. She asked me, "Are you just imagining it?" I replied, "I monitor the news, maybe not all, but many that really matter to me."

Many people apparently do not care what happens around them despite the fact that we are connected by modern technology. I like to read news and feature articles and watch meaningful video documentaries/movies.

If you browse the selection of movies, say on Netflix, there are many stories on wars and conflicts. In a way, they will help you have the warrior mindset, and you will learn many things to protect yourself, your family and your community. They are like a virtual classroom where you will learn how the heroes and their enemies think and move. Maybe the writers of those stories are soldiers or those who directly experienced or witnessed similar actual happenings. As you watch them, you will appreciate the courage of heroes, particularly the fallen ones, who risked, and for many, sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom and restore peace.

If we look at it on a smaller scale, the foundation of the society is the family. But how many fathers are with the families physically and frequently to be the basic unit's primary defender? Many heads of the families go away to seek a greener pasture. Many husbands leave their wives and children for whatever reason they have.  There are some bad effects on the neglected family members. For one or some family members, it is emotion over reason that dominates, and anger builds up then turns to hatred. When one's heart is full of hatred, he is not peace with himself. How can he be at peace with the world?

The government heads must strongly promote business creation and invite investors to provide the right job opportunities locally to their people so there is no need for most of them to leave their families. Preparing the young to grow up as responsible, compassionate, productive and protective members of the family makes sense. In our old school days, we had a subject on homemaking. It will be good if there are separate subjects on homemaking and  family protection (real and cyber). When things are in order at home and when everybody feels protected, there is a peace of mind.

If there is an ease in getting or buying the basic needs of men like foods, beverages, and clothing there will be less problems and chaos in the world. So there is a need to roll up our sleeves and create more items that we need. If there are more in the market, and the need is low, the items will be cheaper. If we have idle lands, those can be utilized for farming, so we need not buy what we eat. We can sell and/or donate excess produce.

One of the bottlenecks causing farmers not to grow their business is the lack of the right infrastructures to market their crops, say, there is no right road to bring them to the market. In international trade, it is the same. There is a need to do fair trade with other nations, to propose and close deals, and to bring their products to the distributors they have to pass legally through the air, water, and lands of other countries. There are many, many contracts to be respected, and most of them were finalized after years of thorough studies and negotiations, and with a period of validity which goes beyond the present moment. Everything is fragile and every single move must be taken not just with care, but with caution.

Deal or no deal? Sometimes when things get worse, we think that having no deal is better than having a deal because the results of a breach of any contracting party, can be worse than the status before the deal. Let us not forget that a deal is made with the intent to make people and things better prior to the finalization and inking of the agreement.

Cambridge dictionary online defines 'deal' as 'an agreement or an arrangement, especially in business'.  An 'agreement' is 'the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which they approve or accept something'.

If something is unacceptable, no matter how insubstantial it may appear, there is no deal. All provisions in a contract for the deal must be accepted by the contracting parties. The most challenging part is when there is a breach, an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement or relationship. There may be two (2) contracting parties only, but under them were many layers -- many, many groups of people whose thoughts and actions cannot be programmed and controlled 100% in accordance with the deal. At certain times there are human and/or machine errors. At unfortunate times, there are intruders who want to destroy the deal so the contracting parties will fight.

Divide and Rule has been a long time tactic of those who want to dominate people. They want chaos for something. Conflicts can be an opportunity to do business and rule the world. Some play the game well, as if favoring both sides, but they just want them to divide and suck their power.

For whatever reason, many people lose their minds to some beliefs not for the common good and whatever it takes, come hell they do everything without thinking that by birth everyone is given the right to co-exist and co-live in this common home we call planet Earth. We are all morally obliged to deeply, deeply love and take care of this planet.

Most of the times I wonder why the brilliance of great global leaders cannot light some dark spots and show the brightness to the world. Why cannot they combine strengths, utilize their brain power and create artificial intelligence that will bring international peace and prosperity? If men can reach the moon and stay in the space station, is it not more possible to end the world conflicts which can be more predictable and manageable than the unknowns?

'World peace'  -- 1,420,000,000 results via Google search engine --  0.63 seconds.  6 + 3 = 9.  I love any number divisible by 3. Albert Einstein did, too. Same was true with Nikola Tesla who wrote --
If you knew the magnificence of the three, six, and nine, you would have a key to the universe.
The law or essence of nature -- 1 + 2 = 3.  Let us all passionately meditate and have a sense of inner peace with ourselves (1), with our family (2), and with the rest of the world (3).

Humbly praying for world peace for the present and future generations.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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