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Impossible to Possible

At the moment, what are the things that you badly need and/or want that seem to be impossible to get, achieve or reach? Is there anything that means life or death to you?

When do we say that "Nothing is impossible"? It is very easy to say, right.  At this very moment, let us ponder on this. Put your right hand over your left chest, feel the heartbeats. You are alive. Is your heart willing to accept it -- that nothing is really impossible?

John Heywood said,
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
So first there must be that willingness of the heart to accept that nothing is impossible.

For Francois dela Rochefoucauld, "Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient, we should have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible."

Oh, we know that we have insufficient resources or sometimes lack of some resources to get what we need/want. But as they say, the universe has enough of all for us, including the ways and means.  Sometimes life is like a hide-and-seek game. We must always seek and find the ways and means that lead to everything we need and want.

If we look at it, it is like this -- IMPOSSIBLE  is our goal point, how to make it POSSIBLE.  Impossible is a dead end so have a 'possible' mindset and dwell only in possibilities. List down the passable, the realistic steps towards there as our WAYS AND MEANS, or logistics, or transport. No excuse. No excuse. No excuse.

Remember, the only way to get there is to seek and find the right way, and have a good time. The current status is the starting point as we draw our mindmap with the possible passable routes to the destination. Start here, now. I agree with Nicholas Winton --
I work on the motto that if something's not impossible, there must be a way to do it.
Try this. If you find a task on hand very challenging, prepare a tartar sauce (mayonnaise, sweet pickle relish, minced onion, lemon, salt, pepper and other herbs of your choice) just for the fun of thinking it done in advance. This condiment will remind you of a great whale named Moby Dick in the novel "The Whale" written by an American writer, Herman Melville. When every single step is done, enjoy fish and chips with your tartar sauce. (Imagine me smiling, and winking my right eye.)

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. has a line on that -- "When facing a difficult task, act as though it is impossible to fail. If you are going after Moby Dick, take along the tartar sauce."

Along the way, we see obstacles, rough and rocky roads. But it is normal. There are always barriers in our journey to our destination. Nothing is all smooth sailing. There is no such thing as a bed of roses always. When you set your goal with a time frame, there is pressure. But do a mind hack. Do things with inner joy in whatever circumstance, so you will have fun and enjoy every second of it.

Indolence is a huge barrier, so rise, exert efforts and time, to do the tasks on hand. Dorothea Dix is right, "With care and patience, people may accomplish things which, to an indolent person, would appear impossible."  For lazy people, everything is impossible.

The highly respected UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum said in reference to launching an unconventional virtual Ministry of Possibilities not headed by one person but by some members of the Cabinet,
The word 'impossible' does not exist in our dictionary and is not part of our philosophy nor will be a part of our future.
His words are inspiring. According to Gulf News, he reiterated, "We launched this virtual ministry to reaffirm the forward-looking approach that we embraced since the establishment. We stop at nothing and no impossibility would stand in our way."

I have something which is manifestly important and looks impossible to achieve. I passionately move dropping the 'im'.  In the past, I witnessed many seemingly impossible things that turned possible. It may take time longer than expected but every single effort exerted is a step closer to it.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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