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A Mobile App for What?

How many apps have you downloaded to your mobile phone or tablet? Did you download any app that required your permission for it to access your device, camera, contacts, and other information? Sometimes we think we can compromise our privacy and security, just because we feel that we need a certain app badly, maybe because many use it, or it is trending and we want to be in.

When you download an app requiring your permission for such access to your information, device and other things, brace yourself as it is like opening your gate to a thief of peace and happiness. There are many cases of harms reported because of app downloading. I just wonder why the operators of platforms offering those apps allow their inclusion in their list despite the fact that the access requirement would be a gateway to the invasion of privacy.

Techopedia online defines an app as 'a type of application software designed to run on a mobile device such as smartphone or tablet computer'.  It is an individual small software with limited function, designed for a specific purpose, like a game, calculator, transaction processing, among others.

Be very, very careful when you download a mobile app requiring permission to access your information, device, camera, and others. Resist that strong temptation for you to do so.

In the Philippines, Rappler reported that 485 complaints were received by the government authority related to 'online lending apps that allegedly misused the borrower's information, including the disclosure of unpaid balances to other people' (those in their contact list stored in their devices). The borrowers who could not pay on time got stressed beyond measure due to lender's shaming and collector's harassment.

In a restaurant here, I was asked by a waitress to download their app by scanning the QR code then my meal would be free. I politely said, "No. Thank you." I understand that it was for customer acquisition purpose so they could send you their promotional offers. I was eating a meal worth AED20 but I would not exchange it for my personal details. I get annoyed with many email messages, text and calls. I would prefer the printed loyalty club card which the restaurant stamps every time you eat there, and you get a free meal on your 6th or 8th visit, over that one. (Check loyalty/patronage offers of Marry Brown's and Soy & Pepper Restaurant.)

Some mall cashiers also use a strong persuasion strategy for their customers to be loyal in terms of loyalty club points. By accepting their terms and conditions for some perks, you agree to receive all their promotional offers via email and text.

But how many of those who handle our data can be truly trustworthy? What apps are verified by the authorities to be safe and operating for the best interest of the users? What apps, particularly related to money matters/financing,  are authorized by the local governing bodies?

We all want to be smart in this digital age. Most of us are unsuspecting users of many computer applications, but it makes sense to protect our gadget from malware and our lives from those attackers.

Jade Griffin of said, "Dangerous malware-containing apps are gateways for malicious activity. In plain English, some apps tap into your phone and steal sensitive data. Your phone can even become controlled by people with nefarious intents. Downloading an infected app can even turn your device into a bot. If your device becomes a robot under the control of some groups, they can use your device as a part of larger attacks. Not only these people get your info, they can make your device a part of their botnet army."

Passionately make it a point to know your purpose in downloading a certain app, check the source of the app and the access permission requirements before downloading any.  Subscribe to Google alert for related updates on the app/s you will download or already downloaded and check reviews.

If the app is installed from Google Play and running on a device powered by Android 6.0 and up, or on a Chromebook, you can control permissions or capabilities/information that an app can access.

Never trade your security and protection for a mobile app you download by impulse.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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