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Who is the Who

"His lies were so exquisite I almost wept," Dave Eggers wrote in his "What is the What".

Sometimes in our lives, we meet people who have mastered the art of telling lies. It is unbelievable when one intentionally weaves a web of lies to destroy others. You will not just almost weep but really weep for his/her ugliest lies. You will weep for his/her soul, a lost soul.

If you are a victim of a liar who wants to put you down, remember this -- only you and him/her know the truth, and another one who knows all, God. You can look at him/her directly into his /her eyes, and he/she will feel like a burning worm, and cannot look at you. He/She has some body moves and immature ways which may include moving here and there in a restless way, cutting you when you talk so you cannot tell more about the truth, shaming you, calling/texting here and there for some emotional support, etc. If there is a wise person who listens to you and that liar, he can sense -- with the gift of discerning power -- who is the who.

According to Luke 12 : 2 --
There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed.
I am very interested in the study of human behavior. In my blogs, I write about some stories on human beings (no name shaming) to learn more about human behavior, what a certain behavior in a particular situation means, and what lesson can one learn from that.

When someone makes lies and when circumstances call that you both present your side, make it sure that you have documented your observation with timelines, and connect the dots, particularly when there is a pattern of committing lies.

Being a journalist, I am a keen observant. I was trained to capture important facts -- who, what, when, where and why -- to analyze all data very carefully, and write a creative story of human interest. Even if I do not have a voice recorder or a notebook and pen, my mind captures facts that matter.

My being an artist helps, too. If I paint with a source, I am attentive to details to make sure that I can creatively sketch and paint almost the same. So it goes when something happens. Certain words and actions that really matter leave some prints in my mind and heart, so no one, nobody, can edit my memory.

When a person lies to me, I ask him/her thrice. If he/she lies to my first question, I give another two (2) chances to change his/her answer, and if he/she does say the truth, next time I will believe somehow in what he/she says to me. It means he realizes he/she lies, and he/she corrects it. But if all three (3) answers are but the same lie, I cannot trust the person again.

Nobody is born to make lies and to make others sad by telling lies particularly if those will destroy the character of a person. Anybody who does that has the evil intentions, and this is the job of the enemies in the dark -- they steal peace and happiness. There will be division because friends become enemies.  Jesus came to earth to bring peace. Liars destroy this peace. They are deceptive so other people will believe in them. Deception is a craft of destruction. War freak people are deceptive. Be careful when you talk to them for you know not when they will quote and unquote you in a different way, with a skewed view, that may invite trouble. As Euripides ('Orestes') said, "When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state."

No man is born to lie but there are some people with personality disorders who want to win people by harming others. They get happy dividing people using their tools -- false faces, deception, lies, and misdirection. They can be impulsive, without thinking about the consequences of their words and actions. One reason for lying is to conceal own lies and/or mistakes, in order to get group approval, and acceptance. It can be frustrating for those who know the truth.

John 8 : 44 has this to say on liars  -- "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of all lies."

Living a lie reduces a person from who and what he is really born to be. Everyone has a soul that must be protected. No person is born to live a lie and plant seeds of hatred. There must be some root causes like childhood full of intense sufferings including parental abandonment, but this cannot be an excuse. As we grow, we learn what is right or wrong. Our Lord detests lying lips.

Ephesians 4 : 29 tells us --
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
If anybody lied or lies about you, lift it up to God, our just Supreme Judge who sees all hearts. Have peace and pray that he/she will realize this to save his/her soul, stop harming others and live a life of truth.

Peace is priceless and possible. But if at home, in a sharing accommodation, workplace, or wherever there is a liar who wants chaos, he/she can steal that peace. Tolerance is needed to have peace and harmony, but it has its boundary.

With a giant faith, I passionately magnify the power of God. I am a person who finds rest in a sanctuary with nurturing spiritual friends, that no liar can weaken my spirit.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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