When we are challenged to find the exact answer or solution to a problem or situation, it takes an analytical and creative mind (plus good communication skills), to hit the nail on the head.
Our senses matter because at first, it is a collection of what all of them gather that brings all information to our brains to process. So how we developed as to who and what we are now helps us to say or do exactly the right thing or hit the nail on the head.
No matter what we have achieved in our lives, there comes a point when we are so confused that our mind seems foggy to precisely describe the cause of our problem and find the exact solutions.
A visualization tool will help a troubleshooter hit the nail on the head in the process. Consider Ishikawa diagram or a fishbone diagram, which is also called as a 'cause and effect diagram'. It helps categorize the potential causes of a problem to identify the root causes. Through this, some realistic solutions can be visualized.
It is easier said than done. But like a passage in the countryside, it is better to pass through a bridge made of two bamboos or more, than just one. The support system is very important if we are to find the exact solution to a problem. This is an old saying, but it makes sense -- "Two minds are better than one." Yet even if there are two or more minds working on a certain problem, if the cause of such cannot be precisely described, the others will be misled. It is important to be clear -- and this is where good communication skills play an important role -- and transparent but only when due diligence is done.
Say, a member of a family has a problem. He thinks that he has explained all to his family members to be understood in his current situation, and he wants to get the right support system. The family members cannot understand him fully because albeit he is very good at communication, he missed that point of precisely connecting some dots. He is also not that 100% transparent because he is not sure if he can trust them with his personal issues, afraid that there might be some repercussions or unintended ugly consequences of sharing his problem. Each then must secure the relationship firewall and protect the privacy of family issues at a 100% level. Then they should openmindedly brainstorm on the problem, carefully track back the root cause, and intelligently come up with workable solutions.
Do you have a problem at the moment that upsets you? How are you planning to hit the nail on the head? What about drawing an Ishikawa diagram? Hoping we passionately magnetize brilliant ideas!
Photo credits: Pixabay
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