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Showing posts from April, 2019

On Chameleoning

Our college publication adviser asked us to write on a 1/8 sheet of paper the word ' hunyango' . I did not know the word, even if it was a Filipino word. We were instructed to give that paper to someone in the group whom we thought to have some characteristics with that of  hunyango . It was one of our group dynamics activities during our annual staff development seminar. His description of a 'hunyango' has remained in my mind since then -- " it has the ability to change color ."  In English, it is chameleon . It can change its color to green when it is near green leaves, or brown when it is near the soil. We have an idiomatic phrase for a person like that -- 'sa pula, sa puti' -- meaning, a person turns red with a red-colored person, and white, with a white-colored one.  If there are two opposing issues or beliefs, a hunyango or chameleon can be A or B, depending on who is in front of him/her. We sometimes call it AC/DC personality, obviou

Hit the Nail on the Head

When we are challenged to find the exact answer or solution to a problem or situation, it takes an analytical and creative mind (plus good communication skills), to hit the nail on the head. Our senses matter because at first, it is a collection of what all of them gather that brings all information to our brains to process. So how we developed as to who and what we are now helps us to say or do exactly the right thing or hit the nail on the head. No matter what we have achieved in our lives, there comes a point when we are so confused that our mind seems foggy to precisely describe the cause of our problem and find the exact solutions. A visualization tool will help a troubleshooter hit the nail on the head in the process. Consider  Ishikawa diagram or a fishbone diagram , which is also called as a  'cause and effect diagram' . It helps categorize the potential causes of a problem to identify the root causes.   Through this, some realistic solutions can be visua

Who is the Who

" His lies were so exquisite I almost wept, " Dave Eggers wrote in his "What is the What". Sometimes in our lives, we meet people who have mastered the art of telling lies. It is unbelievable when one intentionally weaves a web of lies to destroy others. You will not just almost weep but really weep for his/her ugliest lies. You will weep for his/her soul, a lost soul. If you are a victim of a liar who wants to put you down, remember this -- only you and him/her know the truth, and another one who knows all, God. You can look at him/her directly into his /her eyes, and he/she will feel like a burning worm, and cannot look at you. He/She has some body moves and immature ways which may include moving here and there in a restless way, cutting you when you talk so you cannot tell more about the truth, shaming you, calling/texting here and there for some emotional support, etc. If there is a wise person who listens to you and that liar, he can sense -- with the g

Reflection on Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday.  The palm branches are symbolic because they were used by the crowd who waved at Jesus Christ when he came to Jerusalem, and they shouted, "Hosanna!" (a Hebrew word which means 'save' and  is also used as an exclamation of praise.) The news on his life-saving sign when He raised Lazarus from the tomb was known by many people so they came to meet him. Basically it was the 'saving' thing. The Savior wanted to save the souls of the people, and those who witnessed the miracles believed in Him and wanted to be saved. One that is interesting to note is why he preferred to ride on donkey and colt in his triumphant entry to Jerusalem. In the old days, donkey / colt was to peace as horse was to war.  Donkey / colt symbolizes the common people (in travel, trading or agriculture) while horse, the kings, rulers and warriors coming in war times. So He rode on a donkey to signify peace and target segment of people to reach, as prophesie

Invasion of Privacy

So you sent a message to someone, and that message was forwarded to another? This is invasion of privacy. Many people think that it is just a simple thing, and it cannot be discovered anyway. But invasion of privacy in the UAE can cost an offender a huge penalty up to AED500K. (More here .) What if somebody borrows your phone, reads an incoming message without the receiver reading it first, and forwards the message to himself/herself, then tells others that the owner of the mobile phone forwards the messages to him/her? It is loud and clear that there is a lie, and an invasion of privacy. Everyone's item is his/her own, like his/her own territory or place, that must not be invaded, out of respect. When someone wants to use my mobile phone, I think of many reasons not to lend it because I value my privacy highly, very highly. There was a time when a person with many friends, wanted to borrow my mobile phone. In my mind, "Where is your mobile phone? What about you

On Making False Statements

Slander is an action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to the reputation of another person. There are people who want to create division and make a person bad to other's eyes, saying things that are not true. And there are people who will believe them for the simple reason that they are popular or some favors are done to them. I was a member of the Committee of Discipline in our company, one of the highly respected oleochemicals companies in our locality. I drafted the Code of Discipline which was finally approved by the management after some reviews of the department heads and managers. We conducted hearings and investigations when there were some related matters to be attended to. For cases of suspensions and dismissals, I was the one who made the reports and submitted them directly to the Bureau of Working Conditions and Department of Labor and Employment. What I remembered most along the way was the phrase "due process".  Before you accuse

The Power of Pen

There is power in pen, and writing talent is a gift.  I am truly blessed that I have a big passion for writing. For me, it is one of the best ways to express myself -- what is in my mind, what my eyes can see, my ears can hear, and what every bit of my sense can respond to. We have freedom of speech and we can write whatever topic under the sun we want to focus on. Nobody can stop us from doing that, so long as we know the boundaries of it. I have been a writer since childhood. Writing runs in our family blood. My maternal grandfather's cousin was a linguist and author of some best-selling Filipino-English and English-Filipino dictionaries. My paternal uncle was an awardee of a famous literary award-giving body for his one-act play and more. I was the editor-in-chief of our high school and college publications. I edited a book written by a lawyer (rest in peace, Sir) and publisher of a long-running (half a century plus) local newspaper. What we write leaves an impact on o

Give Foods with Joy in Your Heart

When I share my foods with other people, I share it with pure joy coming from my heart. I am not rich, but when I have an opportunity to pay back for whatever blessing I got, I cook something or buy foods to share with people close to me. It is a very simple way of giving thanks to the Lord, of praising Him. There are times also when I am extremely thankful for something that I will just give money to a friend to buy some foods and distribute to others without naming me as source and let them just enjoy eating what I can humbly afford to share. When you give foods to someone, there must be 100% sincerity. You must not have a selfish motive that you share foods for something in return. Many people do have different intentions in doing so. Majority wants to be likable and popular by winning other people's tongues and stomachs.  Some expect that if they give foods, the receivers must pay back and do the same. (I remember a couple who refuse to accept foods given by flatmates