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The Power of Tongue

My elementary teacher told us that "It is wrong to tell a child climbing up the tree that he will fall down."  The tongue has its power.  From that day on, I have kept this in my mind.

Old people say that we speak things into existence. Even God did so when He created the world. Genesis 1 : 1-31 says --
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day...
If you will watch inspirational videos created by life coaches and preachers, you will hear them always saying positive things, hacking our brains to think that way -- that they will come into existence.

Joel Osteen is loved by his followers because they feel recharged when they hear him saying "You can pay your debts. You will find the right husband or wife. You will find a job. You will lose weight."  It is a kind of hacking the brains to be hopeful, by faith, that they will happen despite the seemingly impossible situation.

When you look at the mirror and you talk to yourself, "I am --" and say all positive words about you, including those you want yourself to be or become,  it is an affirmation, and you visualize it is actually you. Repeatedly done, it is like commanding every part of you to align with that, and eventually, no matter how long it takes, you will find it turns out that way.

We overcome self-destroying and negative thoughts when we speak positive words.

There are people who love to think about the negative side of life. They have lives, they breathe the air without the help of any medical equipment, they have complete parts of their bodies, they have families, they have jobs, they have roofs over their heads when they sleep, they are educated, and many, many more to be thankful for, yet they speak of deep sorrow and think the world abandons them. They sabotage themselves with the negative thoughts and spoken words, unmindful of how other people who love and care for them would feel.

Every second that passes by is a minus-one-second in our life span on earth. I feel sad when I hear people speaking more about death than life, considering that we are not immortal ones. Proverbs 18 : 21 says
Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Most world leaders speak with notes reviewed by their intelligent staff many times because any wrong word, line or paragraph that may be wrong can create wars, then eventually deaths of many people.

In cases of conflicts, negotiators are there to be peacemakers and their words weigh a lot to prevent loss of lives and properties.

Sweet words said with sincerity can mend a broken heart and repair broken relationships/marriages.

The world is sick. We need people who will use the power of their tongues to heal and save the so-called custodians of earth, we, human beings and the next generations to come.

In the Information Age, the tongue extends to the works of hands that express some messages which the tongue can say, and cannot say -- writings, artworks, what have you.

I passionately meditate on Proverbs 18 : 20 - 21 --

"From the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips, they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."


Photo credits:  Pexels


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