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Peace is Possible

I am very, very happy that in my lifetime the historic event, the first visit of the Pope in the Arabian peninsula, happened in the country where I am based, the United Arab Emirates, last 3-5 February 2019.

It is with great admiration that I deeply thank the UAE government for inviting Pope Francis to come and pave way for another milestone -- the International Interfaith Meeting at the Founders Memorial in Abu Dhabi. He visited the Grand Mosque on the date of his arrival.

More or less 180,000 people of different nationalities physically witnessed that iconic papal mass at Zayed Sports City Stadium on 4 February 2019. I was not there, but I was one in spirit as I watched it online.

I had those goosebumps when I viewed how our dearest His Holiness Pope Francis was welcomed with grand ceremonies, by the UAE leaders led by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the country president. I could not explain it -- but I got teary-eyed when I saw our Pope of Hope with the highly respected UAE dignitaries and the Muslim Council of Elders.

It was in 2016 when His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, invited Pope Francis during his visit to the Vatican.

Peace is possible, isn't it? Why do people fight in the name of religion or whatever ground, when the top two religious leaders themselves can peacefully talk and embrace each other?

For this amazing initiative, the UAE government clearly sends a message to the world -- that we are one big family which is humanity, and peace can be achieved if we only understand the value of co-existence or should I say co-living, by tolerating differences.

Courage is important to have the freedom to act towards that goal. I admire that courage of Pope Francis to come over and do what he thinks is necessary for the sake of peace. I admire that courage of the UAE leaders to host this interfaith event with a big positive global impact. I admire that courage of that little girl who ran to our dear pope to give her card and be closely blessed by him. I admire that courage of all people who shared themselves to make this happen.

In 1219, 800 years ago, St. Francis courageously went to Damietta, Egypt, from Italy the Holy Land. He was captured, beaten and presented to Sultan of Egypt,  Malek al-Kamil, 'the fierce and furious nephew o the more famous Sultan Saladin'. His enthusiasm and courage attracted the sultan to listen to him and they understood each other.

In his daily life, Pope Francis does his best to relive the life of Jesus. The Abu Dhabi event theme, "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace", shows his deep desire to spread peace, the very essence of coming of the Holy Son. 800 years after that bold move of St. Francis from whom our Pope picked up his papal name, he courageously got connected with the great UAE leaders known for promoting the country as the beacon of peace and harmony, and respected Grand Imam of Al Azhar Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb.

The song "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace" contains the line "To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love with all my soul".  This is the must-be base of co-existence, or co-living.  'With all my soul' requires a higher dimension of understanding and loving, of being understood and being loved. There is a maximum degree of tolerance for the sake of peace, the foundation of happiness. No matter how rich we are if we do not have peace, we cannot be happy.

Truly I was touched and I felt an inner peace when I saw one video showing His Highness UAE Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum holding the hands of both Pope Francis and Grand Imam Dr Ahmed al-Tayeb, as he walked them for the landmark signing of the Document of the Human Fraternity that serves as 'a blueprint to guide future generations to advance a culture of mutual respect spanning all nationalities, backgrounds and beliefs'.

2019 is declared as The Year of Tolerance in the UAE.  Pope Francis was gifted with a book "Celebrating Tolerance" authored by the Reverend Andy Thompson, MBE, with a foreword from the UAE Minister of Tolerance, HE Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan.

With many landmark initiatives related to tolerance, it is expected that the UAE will be considered as the Tolerance Capital of the World. For many years, the UAE government has managed to unite many people from 200+ countries in its territory on a common universal platform of mutual respect, harmony, and peace.

Peace is possible, if in our own little ways, in our homes and workplaces, and in all places we go, we think of ourselves as a blessed channel of peace.

My heart is full of love and joy in hearing the Holy Pope's message in his homily. I will passionately make my own life a work of art, every day stepping forward to meaningfully live life in peace and harmoniously with others.

Long live, Pope Francis! God bless UAE!



Related Links:

Human Fraternity Meeting
Pope in the UAE - Full Text - Address to Fraternity Conference
Pope in the UAE - Full Text - Papal Holy Mass Homily
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace  - Lyrics | Susan Boyle's Rendition

Photo credits:  Pixabay


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