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Sunbeams with the Smart System

Reading good news related to relaxing of some rules in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) makes many people feel happy for sure. I know that it is the happiness of all residents, local and expatriates, that the government is aiming to achieve.

According to Khaleej Times, "Dr. Ali Humaid bin Khatim, counselor, advocate-general and chief of naturalization and residency prosecution said that if the prosecutor deems that the defendant deserves to be released on bail, he will gain his freedom without having his passport seized." This is parallel to the Smart Bail System, which has somehow reduced the number of prisoners in Dubai by 70%, with the government aim to 'uphold people's rights and freedom'.

One of my friends owes a bank a certain amount and when she came back after a vacation in the Philippines, she was held by authorities at the airport due to her dues, and her passport was seized. The creditor bank then asked her to sign a guarantee cheque amounting to AED70K which was far below her balance, to her extreme frustration and regret. Knowing that she has been sleepless for many nights, I forwarded the news link to her and she joyfully thanked me and God.

Prior to this, if there was a complaint lodged against a person or if there was a criminal case the passport would be taken, and if he had no valid passport, that of a relative or friend could be substituted to bail him out and would be returned when the case was over.

We know how important a passport is as a valid identification card required for international travel, visa processing, and trade license registration or renewal. So there are undesirable domino effects if a person's passport is confiscated. Not only one's life is stuck, but also those of immediate family members whose visas are under his name. Sometimes we hear overstaying cases because of this.

With the said initiative, many people in darkness find light and can take their lives back. They can look for gainful employment to help provide the needs of the families and reunite with them if they are here, utilize their time and talents to play their roles on earth, upgrade skills, and live their dreams.

The travel ban is lifted after the case is finished but while in such a process he can be productive again, and the government is likewise relieved of burdens of keeping him locked in the cell. This really makes sense.

I think it will be a good idea if prepaid health insurance cards (say at AED100/head/year) can be purchased from local supermarkets and/or authorized channels,  and activation can be done online so they (and others, too) can have peace of mind in case they have some health problems while retaking their lives back.

Another thing is an easier way of opening a bank account if one has no job yet but has the passport returned. A bank account is required if one has to do some freelance jobs and join contests with cash prizes while waiting for a stable job opportunity so their time and talents will not be wasted. The more they use said resources, the better services they can offer to the world.

If many of them find jobs, this will help the banking industry, and the benefits bounce back to the account holders. They can also enrol in National Bonds Employee Savings Program for a chance to win cash prizes in the regular raffles.

I think that there are many, many more smart or intelligent systems that will be introduced in the near future, for us to see sunshine every morning when we wake up to refresh things. Then we, as one big family of diverse but civilized people, can enjoy here and now, caring for each other, altogether proud of how each of us contributes to peace and happiness. What a smart, bright world it can be.

Truly I am passionately magnetized by initiatives upholding rights and freedom. Hats off to the leaders of Dubai, UAE!


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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