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Sharing and Shared Areas

"Share it" is a common line particularly in social media. When you think something is worth sharing because you feel joy or you learn a lesson, you immediately click your SHARE button so others can feel the same way.

In a world with growing population and growing number of things to commercialize and buy, but with spaces getting smaller and smaller each day, sharing is a trend.

My doctor who performed a surgery to me a decade ago shared a clinic with four (4) other doctors in one of the popular hospitals in Manila. They each had a cubicle in one room, each with a long list of patients. She also owns and runs some clinics in her hometown and in the capital city of the province.

Condominium investing is one of the best wealth creation and generation opportunities today. The buyers or investors enjoy living like rich ones in places with five-star hotel amenities -- 24/7 security services, swimming pool, parks, lobby, and other amenities shared with other co-owners and tenants.

Entrepreneurs can start businesses with lower rental fees with the rise of business centers that offer affordable spaces with shared facilities like receiving area and conference room, shared services like reception and communication services, and shared equipment like telephone, fax, internet server, and WiFi router, etc.

Accommodation is also shared by people who want to reduce expenses. They are those who work and live in other areas or who stay for some days or months as tourists in far places. Charges can be 'all-in' which is a package price, or space rental plus gas, internet charges, water and electricity bills.  Normally they prefer a partitioned room which has enough spaces only for bed and a cupboard, for privacy reason. Some choose bed spaces in double decks, say two to three bunk beds in a room, so they can share the common area to have a bigger breathing space, at much cheaper rates.

It is very important to be a minimalist so you will pay for your comfort and ease to move, not to store your many pieces of stuff which stop you to do something more and enjoy life. (Hey, take it from me!)

Sharing is the trend, yes?

In a shared flat, the common spaces are the living room (if there is any, as others utilize this also as another bedroom), kitchen, hallways, toilets, and balcony. If one has the right to put his things in these common areas, others must have the right, too. Suppose one puts his cupboard in the hallway which is a common area, while the others put the same in their room, the lucky one frees a space in his room so he has more breathing space or he can utilize such space for other things, while the others do not.

If there are only one (1) kitchen with only one (1) gas range or gas stove, one (1) table and few chairs, all tenants must be sensitive enough to give enough time to others who also want to cook and eat foods at the normal meal times.

Should a tenant or tenants invite visitors, at least they should give respect to other paying tenants as they also pay for their peace and space for a better sleep, or a space to enjoy for watching TV on days-off, after a regular tour of duty or on holidays. Guests are guests but sometimes there are noisy and arrogant guests who act like they were the tenants.

We can passionately maintain the joy of staying and living in shared areas by knowing how to respect the rights of others.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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