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Project *Generate Revenues*

Sometimes we ask ourselves: Why do others create a massive wealth but we are more intelligent and hardworking than them?

I have attended many seminars related to this and they always say the same thing -- "Let your money work for you".

What about if you don't have enough money to work for you? They say, "Save."  But what if your expenses cannot even meet your revenues, and at certain challenging times, you lost your job or your business collapses, so what is there to save?

It is very important to have a healthy mind and body because you cannot think of strategies to survive and thrive if your brains shrink and you cannot do what must be done if your body is weak. If there is an illness in the family, it means opportunity costs for a supposedly productive member of the family and additional expenses for hospitalization and medicines.

There are many overseas Filipino workers who have many jobs particularly in places where they are allowed to do multiple jobs. In some countries like UAE, there is a no-objection certificate (NOC) required from the employer/sponsor and proper registration with the authorities to do so. If you want to do business, you have to register it to get a trade license. If you do social media activities, you must also get the proper licenses separately.

There are some trading companies that do networking or multi-level marketing (MLM) and there are many people who register for membership so they can buy items at discounted prices for personal consumption and resale.

Some financial gurus offer free wealth creation and generation seminars but with hidden agenda of promoting their advocacies in crowd-funding to co-own some companies which they put up, their insurance and real estate businesses, as well as books authored by them or their associates. There will be event sponsors who will invest in snacks and venue in return for customer data acquisition, and later you will get emails regarding their promotional offers. Whatever, you will learn from them and meet new people so there is nothing to lose as long as you have a wise filtering of information feeds.

Well, today, let us have this Project *Generate Revenues* and let us see how far can this go. We must have a goal and be specific with that amount we have in mind.
  • How much do you need to pay your debts?
  • How much do you need for your dream house and lot?
  • How much do you need to fund the education of your children?
  • How much do you need when you retire?
  • How much do you need to establish your business?
Determine the amount and write a 'secret check' payable to your name then print it and display on a place which you can see every day you wake up. See this --

How can we generate revenues without big cash required?
  1. Write. Author a book, a movie script, or a blog.
  2. Do virtual assistance.
  3. Design a webpage.
  4. Make some crafts (say, event souvenir items). 
  5. Bake cakes or cook foods for friends.
  6. Be a product reseller.
  7. Do online consulting, mentoring or tutorial jobs.
  8. Collaborate with event organizers (marketing, photography, videography, etc.)
  9. Be a tour and travel consultant.
  10. Do real estate marketing (but you must know the ropes and ethics of doing the business first). 
If more people will generate more revenues, there will be more money to pay for products and services in the market, which will contribute to economic growth. This will also help make a healthy nation as health is wealth, and wealth is health. When a person has no money, there is stress, and stress is a silent killer.

The government must provide more avenues for people to create and/or tap multiple sources of livelihood and revenue-generating opportunities with ease.

The schools must offer more affordable courses related to entrepreneurship.

Successful people must take time to patiently and passionately mentor people for free for them to be moved to better paths to generate revenues. The mentees will be the next mentors in the future to pay it forward.

I hope that one day we will bask in His grace and blessings of truly abundant people in our land, in our lifetime.


Photo credits:   Pixabay


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