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Is There a Thing like a Miracle Cream?

While I was sitting on the sofa in a mall, exchanging pleasantries with a female friend, a man in late 50's and a woman in late 20's sat near us. The woman said that her friend, her upline in a multi-level marketing (MLM) company, noticed my reddish face. True, it was itchy and some areas of my facial skin started to peel off maybe due to allergy.  My right hand was itchy, too -- because of the dishwashing liquid.

He explained about the miracle cream and gave me a sample without pushing me to buy from him. He did not also insist on getting my contact number when I told him that I knew about the product through my flatmate. Sampling is really effective because I already forgot it and there was a stranger who was sharing a cream for free, maybe worth AED20 in a small container, reminding me of its benefits, and motivating me to explore more.

Again I heard about the nanotechnology which makes it both a preventive and curative cream, hence, it was called as a miracle cream.

What is nanotechnology? defines it as 'the study and use of structures between one (1) nanometer (nm) and 100 nanometers in size'.  It is larger than atoms and molecules but smaller than breadcrumbs. Imagine how small it is. 'Nano' is a Greek word which means 'dwarf'. It means one-billionth of a meter.

IBM Watson Research Center Director Thomas Theis says as mentioned in the same article:  "Nanotechnology is an upcoming economic, business and social phenomenon. Nano-advocates argue it will revolutionalize the way we live, work and communicate."  Nanomaterials are used in cosmetics, stain-resistant clothing, and food additives.

After applying the cream to affected areas, the itch was gone and some dark areas got less dark after few minutes. What a relief to have it tried on me! I am not paid here, not in any way affiliated with the company. Curious why that little cream could do wonder that fast, I watched related Youtube videos and read articles on the subject. One website says that it "immediately seeps to the bloodstream for immediate hormonal balance, that helps rejuvenate beauty and promote good health."

Some scientists say that "microscopic nanomaterials used in the fast-growing array of consumer products could be hazardous". This is according to Julian Gavaghan in his article "Why the Nanomaterials In Your Face Cream Could be Bad for Your Skin" published in Daily Mail online.

With the MLM marketing system, the sale of products with nanotechnology would grow exponentially if everything was right -- management, marketing, location target, and timing. These days more than ever many people are more health- and beauty-conscious than ever -- and yes, more time-conscious than before, as they want immediate results, not by years, or months, or weeks or hours, but if possible, by seconds.

With many nanotechnology product users' testimonials, the business growth would be very, very fast that the researches and tests on the environmental, health and safety effects of engineered nanotechnology materials could not run at the same speed unless there are huge resources allocated to it.

Meanwhile, I will passionately mix turmeric powder and honey again for another do-it-yourself 15-minute facial treatment.

In the near future, I will try using this miracle cream and will write my comments here.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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