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Creating a Violator-Free Community

It is confirmed that the period to avail of amnesty for the residency law violators in the UAE is extended until 1 December 2018 as per Gulf News. This is a big relief for those who have some problems in delay of issuance of documents they need to proceed further, and other reasons, like finances to move here and there.

Those who want to return to their countries of origin can exit after completing some requirements. Some of their local government authorities even provide support so they can do so with zero or very minimal expenses. Most amnesty seekers want to stay and explore opportunities to change their lives as they are given six (6) months to find a gainful employment. Many companies open their doors to them, restoring my faith in humanity. This is advantageous to the hiring companies also as they are already here, so there will be lesser costs in recruitment and they are somewhat adjusted to local job setting and environment.

Everybody wants peace of mind. The trouble begins when there is law disobedience contributing to one's stress and poor mental health. Some people violate rules because sometimes they do not know that those rules exist, or they are misinformed (particularly these days when we are flooded with fake announcements and news), or they do not know how to interpret those rules within their comprehension, or things got out of control due to unexpected undesirable situations.

As the UAE celebrates the Year of Tolerance to honor its great father, Sheikh Zayed, the leaders equate reasonable tolerance with peace. The amnesty seekers experience a meaningful tolerance that opened their minds to infinite space of hopes. Imagine if you are thirsty for a long time and you are given water your body needs most, then you will understand better what freedom is, what peace of mind is, and you will treasure those priceless things more. For sure your next move is to pay it forward, in whatever you can, and pay it back to the country that let you experience such a big leap.

To create a violator-free community, the local government is doing its best to draft timely rules and implement them -- but it requires the cooperation of all, from the top down to bottom lines, to fully comprehend them and obey when enacted.

We are a privileged generation, as they said, because of the internet so all related rules can be viewed via official portals of governing bodies. The challenge is how the people, particularly the ordinary ones, can understand the terms and interpret them in the proper way. Say, if this is the offense, what is the disciplinary action or punishment? As always, we can remember things easily when we see and/or hear them frequently in a simple but impactful manner.

With the overflowing feeds of information, what retains in most people's minds is that something which is simple and easy to understand messages either by text and/or images. For example, if a certain space in the public bus must not be seated, then a warning (circle with diagonal line) sticker must be visibly displayed in that particular spot.

Our Philippine government representatives are very active in massive announcements of advisories to Filipino communities. There are also brilliant Filipino leaders who support that move, to name one,  Atty. Barney Almazar. He conducts regular seminars to help disseminate related legal information among our countrymen, for free. The multi-awarded lawyer presents both preventive measures and curative approaches in case there are some problems related to rule violations.

I think it will help a lot of people if the offenses with the high number of violations will be discussed online or in groups by authorized entities by presenting different cases in point, names withheld, and how to prevent committing them or if already committed, how to rectify or resolve the issues.

There are many courses offered around, online and offline, and definitely, a high number of enrollees interested to learn the laws of the land -- say, labor laws, immigration or residency laws, do's and don't's in starting and doing business locally, will lessen the number of rule violators.

Not everyone is a technology savvy so this is a big challenge for everyone to know more about the basic and advanced cyber threats and how to secure themselves because they can be accused of something they did not do when their gadgets or devices fall to wrong hands or can be controlled remotely by the bad people.

There is no utopia where everything is perfect. But surely by the time-tested will of the government leaders who can turn the desert to a favorite world destination, the number of rule violators will decrease by a big number.

Will not be surprised if in the coming days we, as one big family, will together celebrate the rewards of conscious obedience to local laws, and not cry because of rule violation punishment, fines, and penalties.

I will passionately monitor the local laws/rules and share them with people within my reach. Once in my life, I drafted our company code of discipline, became a member of the Committee on Discipline and I was happy in months when nobody was called to be investigated for any offense. Once in my life I handled the labor relations section in our company and assisted our personnel manager, a lawyer,  thru legal researches support services which I found challenging and fascinating. Once in my life, I dreamed to be a lawyer.

Always in my life since childhood, I have dreamed to hear some news about the closing of many prisons due to drop of crimes. One good example was in the Netherlands where some prisons were closed as "the country did not have enough criminals to fill them".


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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