Why do other people thrive, soar and live happily -- while others fail, wither and leave unnoticed? Everybody wants to succeed and live prosperously. But life is life. It is a process. It is a cycle. It is a scale of ups and downs, of beauty and ugliness, of light and darkness, and more contradicting things.
At the moment, are you content with your life, where you are, what you are doing, who you are with? Are you thriving to your satisfaction and happiness?
Truth be told, I feel something lacking in me but I feel full in spirit. How can it be? I think the key here is relationship with God and self, above all.
There is this story of an actress who said she had a second life, she died and was sent back to earth. In life after death, she said that she saw a tunnel with very bright lights that could almost blind her, then there was this big theater screen showing her past life, particularly those parts where she had some backlogs -- like marriage, as she was a divorcee. Her ex-husband was also an actor with many wives. When she saw her daughter in that dream, she shouted her name, and that was the time when she was told it that it was not yet her time to go to her final resting home. When she woke up her daughter was beside her. With that experience, she realized that in life the most important thing was relationship. She finally found the right partner and had a successful business later.
In every relationship, a good connection is very important -- and it must be two-way. I have reached that point when a connection is not necessarily through words and actions -- but in spirit -- in awareness -- that despite absence you feel that connection, and you are in harmony with each other. There are times when even things are untold, you think of same thing, feel same emotions, at the same time. The intention is to share each other's gifts, whatever they are, to make the other thrive. There is heartfelt compassion, not harsh prejudgment.
Most of the times, relationship is tested and we must be steadfast. A strong relationship with self, family, community and above all, God -- and thriving, are directly connected to each other -- for when we have stood the tests we get the crowns of life.
Now that we know that always relationship challenges are there, we must accept these with an open mind and enjoy embracing them as part of our evolving process. There is the so-called 'brains hacking' to preserve good mental health, which is important in wellness.
Thriving has a deeper meaning than prosperity. With thriving goes evolution. It is like growing from something, or getting out of a hell situation and having a breakthrough to success. There is a process. There are hits and counterhits. There is proactivity and with it comes progress and development. There is fluidity or flexibility like water that takes the shape of the container -- adaptable, otherwise when we think that people and situation must adjust to us, it cannot be and will never be, as it is the fact of life, and there will be frustration and depression from unmet expectations. There is hope and optimism that sprout from a higher level of spirituality -- that of an unseen strong force which leads one to believe that good things will happen, so stay calm. Wellness brought about by calmness of mind contributes greatly to thriving.
All these said, all interconnected with self, family, community and God, we attract good opportunities and right people for us to thrive beautifully and brightly.
May we passionately manage ourselves in beating all relationship challenges that come our way so we can beautifully and brightly thrive.
Photo credits: Pixabay
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