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Showing posts from October, 2018

Creating a Violator-Free Community

It is confirmed that the period to avail of amnesty for the residency law violators in the UAE is extended until 1 December 2018  as per Gulf News. This is a big relief for those who have some problems in delay of issuance of documents they need to proceed further, and other reasons, like finances to move here and there. Those who want to return to their countries of origin can exit after completing some requirements. Some of their local government authorities even provide support so they can do so with zero or very minimal expenses. Most amnesty seekers want to stay and explore opportunities to change their lives as they are given six (6) months to find a gainful employment. Many companies open their doors to them, restoring my faith in humanity. This is advantageous to the hiring companies also as they are already here, so there will be lesser costs in recruitment and they are somewhat adjusted to local job setting and environment. Everybody wants peace of mind. The trouble

A Debt-free Life is the New Happiness

For many people these days, a debt-free life is the new happiness. Why? Because inner peace is important to avoid stress, and stress is a silent killer. Before the worst recession in the history, it was easy to get approved by banks for personal loans and credit cards. One can have as many credit cards as possible. A decade has passed, but until now there are still many debtors who borrowed money in that period, who are still in shadow, in pain and sadness. In a place where commercialism greatly boosted by strong advertising strategies coupled with perks from lending institutions, the temptations to buy this and that is irresistible. But for many overseas workers particularly Filipinos, it is this very high expectations of the family, relatives and friends which is a high compelling force for them to seek credit facilities. Most of the times, it is to meet the basic needs (foods, clothings, shelter and education) and medical, or worse burial. They think that they are always str

Of Valuing Relationship and Thriving

Why do other people thrive, soar and live happily -- while others fail, wither and leave unnoticed? Everybody wants to succeed and live prosperously. But life is life. It is a process. It is a cycle. It is a scale of ups and downs, of beauty and ugliness, of light and darkness, and more contradicting things. At the moment, are you content with your life, where you are, what you are doing, who you are with? Are you thriving to your satisfaction and happiness? Truth be told, I feel something lacking in me but I feel full in spirit. How can it be? I think the key here is relationship with God and self, above all. There is this story of an actress who said she had a second life, she died and was sent back to earth. In life after death, she said that she saw a tunnel with very bright lights that could almost blind her, then there was this big theater screen showing her past life, particularly those parts where she had some backlogs -- like marriage, as she was a divorcee. Her ex-h

The Importance of an Insurance Scheme

Effective 15 October 2015, employers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can opt to have their workers covered by an insurance and pay AED60 only or continue with the AED3K bank guarantee which has been the practice for many years. (Read more here .) The insurance scheme covers up to AED20K/worker end of service benefits, vacation and overtime allowances, unpaid wages, return air tickets and work injuries. This great move of the leaders reflects how they value the protection of all workers in the country. It is affordable for the employers, aside from the fact that the bank guarantees (total of AED14B) can be refunded provided there is no violation of the labor laws related to salaries six (6) months prior to work permits renewal. With many channels of information, online or offline, many people are now informed about the importance of having covered by an insurance -- health / life. There are many financial literacy programs offered for free here and there.  And there are also

Getting Out of the Maze

I have just read an article about this woman abandoned by her husband with AED400K+ debts and three (3) children. She tried her very best to find a job, but for one reason or another because of her situation she was always terminated. She appeals for help for a gainful employment opportunities so she can survive her children and pay her debts. Sad to say when one is vulnerable many doors are locked for him / her. This is reality. We often get some warning signs before the situation gets worse but sometimes life gives us some of the hardest hits. We have our own reasons to ignore the warning signs in consideration of other things which we think have higher value for us -- in this case, her relationship with her husband. When we mess up, everything seems to be a maze that to whatever direction we go to, there is another junction, and another, and another.  There is no crystal or transparent fence nor arrow signs that would lead us to the exit point. In my trying times when

When It's Greek to You

Sometimes there are things that are Greek to us. We simply cannot understand what is going on, what is happening around us, inside us. It is beyond comprehension. This term comes from the Latin phrase Graecum est; non legitur -- which means "It is Greek and therefore impossible to read". I asked my two (2) friends -- which comes first -- chicken or egg?  My female friend replied egg and my male friend said chicken. Somehow I knew the reason behind their answers. I told my friend to ask her officemates the same question. Four (4) of them answered egg, and two (2), chicken. I told her to give boiled eggs to those who answered such. She laughed. This reminds me of the Netflix movie "A Matter of Faith". There is a debate about " Evolution vs. Creationism". Egg or Chicken thing. What is it that you cannot understand? Are you sad? Are you depressed? Are you alone? Are you sick? Did you experience rejection? Did your spouse or girlfriend / boyfriend