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My Birthday Gifts

We celebrate the gift of life when our natal day comes. When you are in your 50's, every birthday is indeed a very priceless tteasure.

Sick, I woke up early and thanked God for everything. I did not take a bath as I felt very cold inside due to flu and just refreshed myself quickly.

My birthday was a blessed day as my request for an urgent appointment in our Philippine consulate office, was granted on time. I was advised that my matter would be attended between 8 AM to 9 AM. I was happy that including falling in line, everything was finished in less than an hour, very swiftly and smoothly, yes. All the staff I dealt with were warm and polite.

My friend and I had a brunch at a nearby cafeteria. We had mushroom and chicken soup, clubhouse sandwich, chicken broast meal, fries and juices. As always I chose carrot and ginger juice. While eating, a dear friend in Abu Dhabi called to greet me.  He was the first preacher in a religious organization that helped me strengthen my faith in my most trying times a decade ago. To be remembered on your special day really matters to me.

On my natal days I see to it that I go to church, light as many candles as my age, and say a special thank-you message to the Creator for all. This time I just added the two (2) digits of my age and lit eight (8) votive candles at St. Mary's Church, talked to God. I missed the solemn place. There was no mass but there were many people even if it was a regular day, lunch time. It was indeed a refuge for a tired soul.

It was very hot but because I perspired a lot, my fever was gone.

As I was taking a rest I checked my Facebook. There were many birthday greetings on my wall and private message inbox -- truly they reached the innermost part of my heart.  I got overwhelmed with joy. My family members celebrated my birthday with a cake and something else on their table. I wish we could be together and I could cook the traditional 'something long' for them.

Night time I invited my two (2) close friends to dine with me at the Barrio Fiesta. My sister from other mother's womb gave me a gift, a white nightie with flowery designs. The dinner setting was was an eat-all-you-can buffet at AED49/head. I asked the chief waiter if they had a candle and a cupcake. He said that they had a candle but there was no cupcake. When we were eating, he went near our table as the bill-out computer station was there. I asked him if there was a cupcake and he said that they were trying to find one. Few seconds after, they played  a 'Happy Birthday' song, and here came a young pretty Filipina waitress wearing the traditional 'saya', smiling, holding a plate with a message "Happy Birthday" near that cupcake. There was a candle with light on it. I blew the candle and made special wishes. I smiled and I cried in joy like a child.

My night ended with my youngest daughter asking me if I had a birthday treat with my flatmates and checking if I was OK, if I needed money and all caring questions. Few days before my natal day, she genorously sent me a cash gift of AED2K. Having a loving and grateful child is one of the best priceless gifts God gives to a mother.

Everything in my birthday celebration was a sheer perfection. I promise to passionately mastermind a meaningful something.

Thank you, my Lord, my family particularly my mother who gave birth to me, dear M's of my life (albeit you did not know it was my birthday but I had reached this point partly because of you), dear relatives and friends! You all made my natal day colorful and beautiful!


PS - I gifted myself with a letter-sealing wax stamp ("For You") from Daiso.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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