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Do You Believe in Luck?

When we say one is lucky, he is fortunate, successful, rich or whatever positive description brought about by chance, not by action.

One preacher advised us not to use the word 'luck' as it cannot be found in the bible. We were advised to say "God bless", not "Good luck'. So instead of 'luck', we must say 'blessing'.

So it was a blessing when I won in Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office lottery, 4th prize, in 1991. It was Lenten season, and I was in the church with my son.  There was an old woman who approached us to sell tickets, and I told my son to choose the number. It was not big amount but somehow after many years of buying tickets, that winning made me then believe in luck. No big effort, just choose the ticket, and boom if it is your time to bloom!

Gambling is not allowed in some countries or areas. If people will be addicted to games of chance, then they will exert less efforts and time to achieve their goals. Wikipedia says "a raffle is a gamling competition in which people obtain numbered tickets, each ticket having the chance of winning a prize."

Casinos exist and thrive because of gamblers. There are some winners, but there are many losers. In some cases, big losers lose their money, properties, even spouses and their minds.

I wonder why and how in some areas where gambling is not allowed, many entities still do it. They show good intentions and causes. Say, a charity group sponsors a raffle to help raise funds for the sick people or a church sells tickets with attractive prizes for their outreach programs. We hear rags-to-riches stories from exchange centers' raffles. Banks do the same now to incentivize their depositors who can maintain accounts regularly with minimum maintaining balance.

Raffle, if we analyze it, is basically a crowdfunding activity but with the easier way to organize -- just determine the raffle prizes, the ticket numbers, conduct a sale campaign and draw lots. Easy and simple. Even a grade one pupil can draw the lucky prize winner's number.

Some people who buy some gadgets or items and later they want to dispose them of hold raffle among their close friends so they can recover the acquisition cost, at least.

The subject of my biography writing shared her story that when some pieces of jewelry inherited from parents were to be divided among many siblings, she being the wisest, had to hold a clean raffle so everything was based on luck, not on fair share.

Do you believe in luck? My heart melts when I hear the story of a woman selling lucky charms items to preserve health and experience prosperity in life. Her young son battles against cancer and she herself experience financial difficulties.

In elections, when two candidates got same number of winning votes, they had to toss a coin to determine who would take the seat so the lucky one would assume the office. For me, it would be better and fair if one serves the office half of the term and the other the remaining period. 

There are contests that require contestants to pay a certain fee for every entry with maximum number of entries per person allowed. Then from the fees the organizers take something to buy the prizes for the winners. Isn't this a good idea? There is something good happening. The participants exert efforts and take time to squeeze their mental juices, and the organizers also do  their part not just to draw lots, but to filter entries and determine the winning entries. If the winners win, they earn it. It is prestigious.

AED1M as a raffle prize is a hugely life-changing amount to incentivize a transaction participation -- say, money remittance or maintaining a bank account deposit. How far can this million go if they go to entrepreneurs or projects that will give jobs to many people?

How can raffle sponsors redefine it in terms of blessings based on intention and cause of participation, and not just merely on chance? Perhaps we can challenge more and more people to have their say and do something to help improve the systems contributing to business growth of the  sponsors. Definitely each can passionately make a difference.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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